Dynamics of development of Kazakhstan historical science during the years of independence (1991-2020): Scientific analysis, historical value and significance
Yerkin A. Abil,(*) Ganiy M. Karassayev,(**), Altyn S. Ualtayeva,(***),
Maral Sh. Kaliyeva(****) y Kanat А. Yensenov(*****)
ARK CAICYT: http://id.caicyt.gov.ar/ark:/s24690732/o3j71cd0d
This article discusses the positive changes that have occurred since Kazakhstan's independence to fill in the gaps, such as the protection of fundamental research in Kazakhstan's history to eliminate “gaps” and the results of PhD and doctoral dissertations on important topics, as well as state-funded research projects on important topics. In historical research, an attempt has been made to conduct a comprehensive analysis of certain topics highlighting various stages and directions of the historical path of development of modern Kazakhstan. They became the basis for an in-depth and objective study of historical phenomena, made their own contribution to the development of modern historical science. Integration of Russian historians into the international scientific community is of great importance. They contribute to the development of new conceptual and methodological approaches, expanding access to unique archival sources and obtaining new knowledge on the history of Kazakhstan.
Keywords: History; Past; Nation; Historical; Formation.
Dinámica del desarrollo de la ciencia histórica de Kazajistán durante los años de la independencia (1991-2020): Análisis científico, valor histórico y trascendencia
Este artículo analiza los cambios positivos que se han producido desde la independencia de Kazajistán para llenar los vacíos, como la protección de la investigación fundamental en la historia del país para eliminar los "vacíos" y los resultados de las tesis de doctorado sobre temas importantes, así como las políticas estatales y proyectos de investigación financiados sobre temas relevantes. En la investigación histórica, se ha realizado un análisis exhaustivo sobre distintos temas que marcan las etapas del desarrollo del Kazajistán moderno, lo cual ha permitido un estudio profundo y objetivo de los fenómenos históricos, contribuyendo al avance de la ciencia histórica moderna. La integración de los historiadores rusos en la comunidad científica internacional ha sido crucial, fomentando el desarrollo de nuevos enfoques conceptuales y metodológicos, ampliando el acceso a fuentes de archivo únicas y enriqueciendo el conocimiento sobre la historia de Kazajistán.
clave: Historia; Pasado; Nación; Histórico; Formación.
Dynamics of development of Kazakhstan historical science during the years of independence (1991-2020): Scientific analysis, historical value and significance
The quest to reclaim and redefine national history is a pivotal aspect of a nation’s journey towards self-identity and sovereignty, particularly for countries emerging from the shadows of colonization or oppressive foreign rule. This process not only seeks to recover lost voices and forgotten narratives but also strives to embed a sense of continuity and legitimacy in the national consciousness. Such historical reclamation is crucial, as it helps a nation to understand its past, articulate its present, and envision its future more clearly (Kotsur, 2023). For Kazakhstan, a country that achieved independence from the Soviet Union in 1991, this task has involved the comprehensive reassessment and rewriting of its history. Since the early years of its independence, there has been a pronounced emphasis on studying and documenting national history through a lens that respects both the newfound national sovereignty and the complex tapestry of Kazakh historical experience. From the first years of independence of our country there was a great demand for the study, writing and study of national history on the basis of new requirements. That is why fundamental and applied research aimed at writing the history of the country in accordance with the requirements of reality in the national interest, scientifically proving the systematic continuity of the history of the Kazakh people from ancient times to the present day.
As mentioned above, domestic historical science was not fully studied in the Soviet Union in terms of realities. Its themes were predetermined. The results were announced in one direction. For example, when the famous historian Bekmakhanov (2005) tried to write a true story, his works were confiscated and he was persecuted. Therefore, a policy of unconsciousness was pursued by not writing the national history. Historians of Kazakhstan could not go beyond the narrow circle.
Therefore, the study of the “blanks” of national history, from a realistic point of view, the study of the principles of civilization, has been possible only since the independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Alekseyev et al., 2014). Previously closed topics have been opened, and the history of events and phenomena of different periods became the object of study Kundakbayeva, (2016). There is also a systematic study of national liberation movements and the life and work of historical figures in the history of the country. That is, a number of measures have been taken to strengthen the country, the formation of historical consciousness (History of Kazakhstan, 2010).
At the dawn of independence, the task of substantiating the historical continuity of international relations and determining the place of Kazakhstan in world history was at the forefront. In this case, the creation and mobilization of a powerful corps of historians of a new generation in the independent republic was necessary to determine the main directions of research, their topics, that is, the task of hard work. The staff of the Institute of History and Ethnology named after Sh. Sh.Walikhanov was tasked with announcing the principles and priorities of sovereign history and historiography to the people of Kazakhstan and the world community. Specialists of the Institute developed the “Concept of the formation of historical consciousness in the Republic of Kazakhstan”, which was approved in 1995 at the governmental level (Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan).
In 1995, by order of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Concept of the formation of historical consciousness in Kazakhstan was adopted by the National Council for Public Policy under the President. It emphasizes the importance of history, especially the transitional stages of development of society, the main priorities of historical education, the problems of historical science, the prospects of historical education and enlightenment.
Materials and Methods
Data from the archives of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (PARK) were used in relation to the historical science of Kazakhstan. At the same time, the research works of domestic and foreign scientists on the “Concept of History” in the field of historical science were considered and analyzed on the principles of “comparability”, “historical truth” and others. Previously, the methodology of any study was determined by the limits of official ideology and the corresponding social order, in which the dominant regime was in fact the customer. In the absence of ideological prohibitions, it was possible to get acquainted with the phenomena of Kazakh society at certain stages. In this case, fundamental research in the field of social sciences plays a coordinating role, which identified the basics of the methodology of formation of public consciousness in sovereign Kazakhstan.
In general, the initiatives of the state aimed at the revival of national history and the formation of historical consciousness in Kazakhstan, the general rise of social, political and scientific activity in Kazakhstani society reflect the level of serious scientific reflection on national history. At the same time, research, and insights in this area today give concrete results for the society of Kazakhstan in the education of patriotism, civic spirit and give hope for the future (Arynov et al., 2022).
Kazakhstani historian-scientist, Kuzembaevich (2014) in his methodological work on the science of history concluded that “History is a science that provides information about the past and present development of a particular society. Historical science unites scientific and social institutions that produce knowledge in this area. The internal structure of historical science is very complex. It consists of several areas and directions. The human society, which is still isolated in the world and still exists today, is the object of historical science” (Kuzembaevich, 2014). A Russian scientist Smolensky (2008) wrote a work on the theory and methodology of historical science. He wrote that: “historical science studies society as a whole. Therefore, it is the basis of all social sciences. Then this field of science is divided into several areas” (Smolensky, 2008). Therefore, there is every reason to say that the science of history as a major branch of the social sciences is a separate discipline with its own theory and methodology.
Kazakh historian, scientist Esmagambetov (2000) wrote about the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev's role in creating the theoretical foundations of our nation-state that:
The President is the author of several works aimed at defining the role of Kazakhstan in interstate relations in the world. He made a comprehensive analysis of these features of Kazakhstan's development in the Soviet era and was one of the first domestic sociologists to put forward theoretical and methodological views (Esmagambetov, 2000).
It is known that history as a scientific discipline is a reflection of the scientific knowledge of specially trained and dedicated professionals. The formation of Kazakhstan's historical science as an institutional platform structure dates back to the second half of the twentieth century. Systematization of this work is closely related to the activities of the Institute of History and Ethnology named after Sh. Sh.Walikhanov. On the basis of the establishment of this Institute, professional researchers-historians were formed, and the results of scientific research began to increase (Ayagan, 2019). Scientists from research institutes and centers of the National University of Kazakhstan are also regularly involved in the study of the history of Kazakhstan.
Results and Discussion
In the first years of independence in the formation of historical consciousness M. K. Kozybayev (1998) wrote that:
The Kazakh people and its state have gained independence. For centuries, its history has been considered an integral part of Russia, and the imperial approach – monocentrism has prevailed. Under the colonial system, the mentality of the people has changed. The people did not know their history. At the time of gaining independence, the morale of the people must be high. People need to know their place in world civilization. It is necessary to form the consciousness of the new generation, the historical consciousness. In order to protect the interests of an independent country, it is necessary to know the past, recognize the present and predict the future. The formation of historical consciousness arises in the interests of life, in the interests of an independent state (Kozybayev, 1998).
In the wake of independence, Kazakhstan has embarked on a journey to redefine its historical narrative, a task echoed in Heather's Empires and Barbarians (2012), which describes how peoples are not monolithic entities but amorphous groups shaped by institutional narratives into nations. This perspective is critical in understanding the evolution of Kazakhstan's historical science post-1991, emphasizing how historical consciousness forms and evolves in newly independent states. Heather’s analysis reveals that the formation of a national identity is less about the discovery of a static, untouched past and more about the active construction of a narrative that provides cohesion and continuity. In Kazakhstan, this process involves revisiting and sometimes revising Soviet-era interpretations of history, as well as integrating Kazakhstan's story into the broader world historical narrative.
Drawing from Aguilar Gil’s (2020) insights on cultural misappropriation, it becomes clear that Kazakhstan’s historical narrative is also about reclaiming and reintegrating its cultural heritage from perspectives that were previously marginalized or suppressed. This involves a careful reconsideration of what constitutes the Kazakh identity, moving beyond Soviet constructs towards a more inclusive and accurate representation of its diverse heritage. Furthermore, scholars like Spivak (1999) and Guha (1983) highlight the importance of recognizing the voices and narratives of those historically marginalized. In Kazakhstan, this means bringing to light the experiences and histories of various ethnic and social groups within the country, which have often been overshadowed by a dominant narrative. This aligns with Spivak’s critique of post-colonial reason, which challenges the simplistic binaries of oppressor and oppressed, urging a more nuanced understanding of historical narratives and power dynamics. Guha’s work on peasant insurgencies in colonial India provides a useful parallel for examining Kazakhstan’s own historical narratives of resistance and suppression under Soviet rule. Just as Guha emphasizes the agency and consciousness of peasants in their struggle against colonial and feudal structures, Kazakhstan’s historical revision involves acknowledging the active roles its people played in their own history, countering narratives that portrayed them as passive subjects of larger empires. Kazakhstan’s endeavor to modernize its historical consciousness is a complex process of deconstructing old narratives and constructing new ones that are more inclusive and representative of its diverse population. This process mirrors global discussions on nation-building and identity formation, where history is not just about the past, but about the ongoing dialogue between the past and the present, shaping a collective identity that is both rooted and open to change.
History has become especially important in the transitional stages of society. The growing interest in history is due to the fact that people want to find solutions to today's problems in the past. In addition, the growing interest in history can be explained by the fact that as society is renewed and the people gradually begin to realize that they are the subject of this historical process, as they choose their share of statehood. At the present time, when a truly new history of the independent state of Kazakhstan is being created, it must still be used, and the view of our past must be proved (AP RK. Fund-5-N., Series-1., File-5596., p.1). The First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev in 1994, delivered a speech at the Palace of the Republic entitled “Speech at the Evening of Historical Intelligence”. He said that:
After all, our independence and sovereignty depend on the recognition of this history. It is impossible to determine the future without knowing the past. A country with an uncertain future is not a sovereign state. That is why the approach to history and historical figures requires a lot of responsibility and understanding (AP RK. Fund-5-N., Series-1., File-5596., p.11).
The First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev's decree of December 30, 1996, declared 1997 the Year of National Accord and Remembrance for Victims of Political Repression. Sh.Sh.Walikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology together with the Kazakhstan Historical and Educational Society “Adilet” organized events related to the history of repression, which fell victim to the totalitarian regime in 1991-1996 (AP RK. Fund-5-N., Series-1., File-7888., p. 4-6). In connection with the announcement of 1998 in Kazakhstan as the “Year of National Unity and National History”, a state commission was established to hold this year. According to the results of the first half of 1998, the following work was done. In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a special commission was established in all regions, cities and districts in connection with this year. Plans for activities have been developed (AP RK. Fund-5-N., Series-6., File-739., p. 20-25).
The study of Kazakhstan's historical development from 1991 to 2003 was executed in stages, covering significant epochs and themes within the nation’s history. This period saw extensive scholarly work, including one doctoral dissertation on the ancient history of Central Asia and five candidate dissertations on topics such as the Bronze Age and the Saka period. Significant research was also dedicated to medieval Kazakhstan (VI-early XVIII centuries), with six doctoral dissertations covering topics from the history of the Karluk state to the interactions with Siberian peoples. Another fifteen candidate dissertations explored the medieval era, addressing subjects like the Kipchak Khanate and the socio-economic issues of medieval nomads.
The era of the Kazakh Khanate (first half of the XVIII-XIX centuries) was another focus, particularly the period of Kazakhstan's integration into the Russian Empire, where eight doctoral and fifteen candidate dissertations were defended. These studies examined the colonization by the military Cossacks, the administrative structures of Tsarist Russia in Kazakhstan, and the development of Kazakh-Chinese relations. Subsequent periods addressed include the national liberation movement during the Russian annexation and socio-economic developments in Kazakhstan from the late XIX to early XX centuries, with three doctoral and thirty-nine candidate dissertations exploring topics like agrarian relations and the cultural development of Kazakhstan. The research during these periods contributed to a deeper understanding of Kazakhstan's socio-political and cultural history, enriching the modern historical science of the region (Adelchanov et al., 2016).
Another group of topics taken as the object of study in Kazakhstan is “Kazakhstan in the totalitarian system. Socio-economic and political history of 1917-1941”. This group produced a total of 13 doctoral dissertations of historical sciences are defended in this direction. They are mainly Socio-economic development; Agrarian policy and agricultural development; History of Industry Development; Contains a history of repression. 54 candidates of historical sciences are defended in this direction. Research topics and content: History of socio-political life; Changes in agriculture; The history of repressive policy in public life is considered.
One of the most important topics in the history of the country is “Kazakhstan during the war (1941-1945)”, 2 doctorates of historical sciences are defended in this direction. One of them is about the participation of Kazakhstanis in the Great Patriotic War; The second is dedicated to the history of trade unions in Central Asia and Kazakhstan. 5 candidates of historical sciences were fulfilled in this direction. The object of their research: Demographic processes during the Great Patriotic War; It consists of research on Kazakhstan's industry during the war years, labor and contribution to the rear.
In the history of the country 4 doctoral dissertations of historical sciences, 17 candidate dissertations of historical sciences on the direction and theme “Kazakhstan in the post-war years (1946-1960)” are defended. They are mainly the history of socio-political development; Dedicated to the history of development in the field of agricultural recovery. In the direction of historical science “Kazakhstan in 1970-1990”, 6 doctoral and 39 candidate of sciences were defended. 16 of them are dedicated to socio-economic history, 13 to socio-political history.
In the history of Kazakhstan, 14 candidates of historical sciences are defended in the “History of Foreign Political and Economic Relations”. Including 2 contacts during the USSR; 12 The connection of the period of independent Kazakhstan is written. One group of research on the history of the country was “Cultural life of Kazakhstan (1917-2000)”: 4 doctoral dissertations on this topic were defended. 1 doctoral, History of Patriotic Education; 2 doctorates related to education; 1 doctoral dissertation on the history of organization and development of science. Candidate's dissertations were defended in 37 “History of Cultural Development”, 13 “History of Education”, 5 “History of Science”. One of the directions of research in the field of history in Kazakhstan is called “National intelligence: formation and function”, 3 doctoral dissertations of historical sciences are defended in this direction. Then 15 candidate dissertations of historical sciences were completed.
Research on “Persons” in the history of the country has also been carried out. 1 doctoral dissertation of historical sciences is defended in this direction. Then he wrote 31 PhD dissertations in history. 12 Candidate's dissertations on “History of the cities of Kazakhstan” have been written in the history of Kazakhstan. In addition, 6 doctoral dissertations in history were defended in the “History of the Kazakh Diaspora”. In addition, 9 candidate dissertations of historical sciences were defended. 3 doctoral dissertations of historical sciences have been defended in the direction “History of the peoples of Kazakhstan”. And there were 6 PhD dissertations in history as well. Another area related to these topics is called “Socio-demographic processes in Kazakhstan (XIX-XX centuries)”. 6 doctoral dissertations of historical sciences have been defended in this direction. Then 21 candidate dissertations of historical sciences were defended.
In general, we note that the direction, stages and topics of PhD and doctoral dissertations defended in the history of Kazakhstan, including the history of the country from 1991 to 2003, are different. Thus, the number of defended dissertations on the history of the Fatherland in the Republic of Kazakhstan from 1991 to 2003: Number of doctoral dissertations is 72. The number of candidate dissertations is 370 (Bibliographic index of doctoral and candidate dissertations in historical sciences, 2003).
The study of the history of modern Kazakhstan is gradually gaining momentum. Therefore, the main task of historical science is to create a full-fledged, multifaceted scientific historiography, which will comprehensively analyze the path of Kazakhstan, its political, economic, socio-cultural, international, and therefore all aspects, based on the existing data. It is true that despite the publication of works on the history of the past years, there is still a need for significant research. Taking into account the specifics of the situation in the study of the history of an independent country, the most important issues of the study began to be considered (Ayagan et al., 2010). Since, the independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, positive changes have begun in the field of historical science. In particular, PhD and doctoral dissertations based on the rules and strict rules of the Soviet Union. Now, the issue of looking at national history from a new perspective, identifying gaps in research is on the agenda.
Since the years of independence, many candidate and doctoral dissertations on the history of the country have been defended in Kazakhstan. They began to take as a subject of study mostly closed topics that had not been mentioned or written before. That is, as an independent country, the national interest came first. The demands of the times and the issues on the agenda of the time began to take a different turn. The defended dissertations on historical sciences are mainly written at Sh.Sh.Walikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Dissertation Councils at the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai. There are still unexplored topics in the history of Kazakhstan. For example, there is a lack of consideration of folklore data obtained by the Kazakh people in the tradition of oral history; There are many “gaps” in the issue of identity.
The current direction of the study of “History of everyday life” is not so developed in the history of Kazakhstan. Then, research on the history of “famine” and “political repression” in Kazakhstan should be carried out by region. Therefore, domestic historians still have a lot of work to do to address the “blank” issues. For almost 30 years of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan since the end of 1991, historians of Kazakhstan have been working systematically on the basis of methodological and scientific requirements to this science in publishing the history of our people from ancient times, focusing on the obligations of sovereignty.
It is known that in accordance with the requirements of today's independence, historians of Kazakhstan have a task to make our history, which covers several thousand years, an integral part of world historical science. This means: First, the inclusion of world-famous events in the history of Kazakhstan or the activities of individuals in the subject “General History”, which is taught in all secondary schools in the world; Second, to achieve the systematic, systematic and targeted publication of high-ranking scientific journals in foreign journals, which address important issues of the history of Kazakhstan. Such a requirement is evidenced by the fact that the research is carried out on the basis of previously unrelated foreign and domestic archival data, and in full compliance with the above methodological requirements for historical science.
Recently, historians of Kazakhstan have been working to address this issue. The number of articles published in high-ranking foreign magazines is growing every year. Domestic scientists take part in scientific conferences and make reports, especially in foreign countries, participate in exhibitions of world scientific works in this area. It is clear that such concrete work contributes to the promotion of the history of our country in the world. Scientists of research institutes are also working to achieve this goal.
The complexity and importance of this case lies in the fact that if we look at the past, during the colonization of the Kazakh people in the Russian Empire, the history of our nation was not and could not be written, because it had no political, scientific or other opportunities. The works of the first ethnographer-historian of the Kazakh people Sh.Sh.Walikhanov, as a result of his personal research, despite their scientific significance, did not fully reveal the past history of our people, were published in small numbers and were not translated into European languages.
European, Russian scientists, local historians and geographers, who visited the Kazakh steppes for various purposes during the annexation of the Kazakh land to the Russian Empire in the XVII-XX centuries, studied the history of our people in different directions, but almost all of them gave a one-sided assessment of our history (Dudar, 2023). The truth has not been revealed. Many written sources and books of this content discriminate against the Kazakh people, its customs, way of life, economy, history of social development. Unrealistic information about the historical homeland of our nation has been prepared.
The Center for the Study of the History of the Kazakh People in the Soviet Union, which spans more than 70 years, is in the interests of the Center. The reasons are well known. Foreign and domestic archival documents were not fully used in the published researches of the periods of Kazakhstan's history, and it was not allowed to get acquainted with the facts and reveal them in scientific communication. For example, Russian military colonization of Kazakh lands, centuries-old national liberation uprisings, and the publication of the works of khans, judges, and heroes in Kazakh society were restricted. Collectivization of Stalinist agriculture in Kazakhstan in the 20s and 30s of the XX century, and even the realities of virgin lands development, were among the closed topics.
Thus, it is known that many tragic periods and events of Kazakh history are forbidden to be openly recorded and historically evaluated. Research studies on the history of Kazakhstan were not promoted at the international level. As a result, the historical realities of our nation based on the works prepared at that time did not reflect the real situation, textbooks on the history of Kazakhstan in high schools and universities did not meet the requirements. During the Soviet Union, the full history of our nation was not created, most of the prepared history could not reveal the truth.
From here, from the day of Kazakhstan's independence, historians of the country have been able to rewrite the stages and events of Kazakhstan's history by collecting data from the state archives of many foreign countries, which may be documents related to the history of our nation. The task is to make it an integral part. It is known that in this direction the country is working on the implementation of this issue.
In achieving this goal, the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – President Nursultan Nazarbayev said that:
Today we need a positive attitude to our own history. In our history, there have been many tragedies, tragic wars and conflicts, socially dangerous trials and political repressions. We have no right to forget this. We need to be able to understand and accept our multifaceted and extensive history. We do not want to diminish the role of other nations and show our greatness. Most importantly, we must carefully and correctly understand our role in global history, based on solid scientific data (Article of the President, 2018).
The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev (2021) in his article “Independence is the most precious thing”, said that “every nation must write its own history. It is impossible to be driven by another ideology. In general, history should be studied by historians, not politicians”, emphasizing the responsibility to prepare the history of the nation in accordance with modern requirements. Significant work has been done since Kazakhstan gained independence to implement this requirement.
First of all, it should be noted that the sources of scientific works prepared and published during this period are taken from previously unused domestic and foreign archives. The relevance and depth of the content of the topics of all generations of scientific dissertations defended on this topic at this time is provided.At the same time, the full implementation of research projects for different periods and directions of the history of Kazakhstan, funded and implemented by the state over the years, is being implemented. The level of requirements for them has also been increased. The programs “Cultural Heritage”, “People in the flow of history” and “Archive 20-25”, adopted and implemented by the state, were of great importance for dealing with important issues of national history, as well as still unexplored topics, providing them with valuable data. These programs provide full funding for research projects, data from foreign archives.
Currently, 500 scientists annually undergo internships at world-class research institutes and universities abroad. If we briefly analyze the work done in this direction during the years of independence of our country, then more than 200 scientific monographs on various stages and topics of Kazakhstan's history have been prepared and published by Kazakhstani and foreign scholars interested in the country's past. They cover all stages and themes of the history of the Motherland from ancient times to the present day, and they are given a historical assessment.
Among such works is especially noteworthy research on the foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan during the years of independence (Nimani, 2023; Trushaj, 2023). These works analyze the stages and directions of the effective multifaceted foreign policy of the state for this period and analyze the results. The First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Abishuly Nazarbayev, was at the forefront of this important activity and was able to direct the foreign policy of the country in the right direction. Nazarbayev's organizational work was evaluated on a scientific basis (Hasanova, 2022).
It is known that Nazarbayev's books At the turn of the century (2003a), Critical decade (2003b) and Era of Independence (2017), and many articles were at the forefront of the works devoted to the foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan during the years of independence. In addition, the book of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Tokayev Belasu (2008) analyzes the main directions of foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan during the years of independence. Scientific works on this topic include the works of Ayagan and Auanasova (2015), Karasaev et al. (2018) and many others. 30 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan have defined a new format for the development of social practice and spiritual and moral values.
In the narrative of Kazakhstan's history since its independence, the depiction of a continuous lineage stretching from ancient khanates through the Kitan Empire to the present Republic suggests a seamless tapestry of national evolution. However, this portrayal, prominently championed by former President Nazarbayev, simplifies a complex history that includes diverse socio-historical groups within Kazakhstan’s borders. This narrative, while aiming to instill a sense of pride and unity, risks marginalizing the varied and disparate experiences that characterize the nation's past. Stavenhagen’s analysis in Social Classes in Agrarian Societies (1975) provides a lens to understand the layers of social strata and their interactions over time. His insights into the intertwined processes that shape social structures are crucial for a comprehensive understanding of Kazakhstan's socio-historical evolution. This perspective challenges the linear progression of national history, suggesting that the transformation from agrarian to modern societies was marked by conflicts, adaptations, and integrations rather than a simple passage through time. Gonzalez Casanova’s (1965) theory of internal colonialism further complicates the national narrative. His work elucidates how colonial dynamics can persist within a country, affecting its development and the national identity that emerges. In Kazakhstan, elements of internal colonialism might be seen in how Soviet and, later, post-independence policies have shaped economic, social, and political structures, often prioritizing certain groups over others.
A decolonial approach to Kazakhstan’s history necessitates recognizing these internal colonialisms and questioning the dominant narratives that may have overlooked the histories of less dominant ethnic and social groups. This approach does not merely add forgotten histories into the existing narrative but rethinks the narrative structures themselves, challenging the very basis of historical continuity that is claimed to exist. Such a reevaluation aligns Kazakhstan’s historical discourse with global decolonial movements that advocate for a history written not by the victors but by a chorus of voices, particularly those previously silenced or marginalized. It calls for a historiography that is inclusive and representative of all societal segments, reflecting the true diversity of the Kazakhstani experience. Thus, Kazakhstan's journey toward a fuller understanding of its past involves embracing the complexities and contradictions that come with diverse historical experiences. This process is not just about correcting history but about reshaping the collective memory to foster a more inclusive, equitable, and nuanced national identity. Through such efforts, Kazakhstan can hope to achieve a historical narrative that truly reflects its rich and varied heritage, contributing to a more profound national consciousness.
In the modernization of historical consciousness, the study of the historical heritage and national history is of great importance. Modern historical research covers various relevant aspects of the life of society, determines the content and direction of social sciences and humanities. A certain place in the study of the dynamics of the development of historical science is occupied by scientific projects on the history of Kazakhstan during the years of independence. They cover various periods of the historical path of the independent state. Their topics reflect a wide range of important issues, the study of which reveals the need to consider national history as an integral part of world history. It is important to emphasize that “the historical findings of recent decades clearly confirm the inextricable connection of our ancestors with the most advanced technological innovations of their time and allow us to take a fresh look at the place of the Great Steppe in global history” (Article of the President, 2018).
Scientific projects contribute to the acquisition and accumulation of experience in joint research activities among the group of authors, expanding the skills of working with information technologies for processing a large amount of source study and historiographic material, mastering new research methodologies, and expanding the boundaries of knowledge. The implementation of scientific projects determined the relevance of the introduction of new archival documents and materials into open access, the publication of monographs and scientific publications in high-ranking foreign journals. Of great importance is the development of conceptual approaches, the use of innovative methods and technologies, which makes it possible to study historical events more fully, in more depth and systematically, to obtain new knowledge.
Public life has an active influence on the formation of historical consciousness. It connects the phenomena and events of the past into a single whole, determines the perspective vision of the future. Historical consciousness acquires particular relevance in the context of modern global challenges, dangers and risks. It should be noted that in fact “historical consciousness is an indispensable condition for the self-identification of society, its social orientation in the world, preservation or ensuring its viability” (Lapin, 2017). Information technologies in historical research provide an opportunity to gain new knowledge and develop the historical memory of society.
The modernization of historical consciousness has an impact on the transformation of society, during which significant transformations take place in the understanding of sociocultural values. Historical consciousness in its intellectual and moral content is called upon to develop a feeling of love for the Motherland, patriotism and civic responsibility. It is aimed at strengthening the stability and stability of the state. In the eighth edition of the National Report "Youth of Kazakhstan", prepared by the Research Center "Youth" in 2020, it is emphasized that “in the last three years, in the minds of young people, patriotism has a more emotional color, manifested in love, respect for their country and pride for her. For example, in 2018 59.7% of respondents thought so, in 2019 – 60.4%, in 2020 – 53.3%. Perhaps, to a greater extent, the decline is associated with the pandemic and economic consequences (How has Kazakh patriotism changed over the years of Independence, 2021). Formation of ideological and moral values of patriotism, education of the young generation in the spirit of the principles of openness and trust is important for the development of the country's competitiveness.
In general, patriotism represents the unity of the interests of society and the individual, the preservation of the identity and spiritual and moral traditions of the people, an understanding of the significance of the Strategic Programs. Patriotism is a humanistic attitude of a person to each other, respect for the honor and dignity of the individual, the implementation of the modernization course of Kazakhstan. Patriotism acts as an expression of the worldview and active civic position of society.
Kazakhstan is building its own model of the modernization course. This aspect must be taken into account in order to determine the level of consent in society on issues that are significant for citizens, to identify spheres of conflict, and the degree of trust in the institutions of power. Historical consciousness has a significant impact on the positive attitude of the individual towards statehood and interethnic tolerance. It presupposes new directions of the life of society in the realities of the XXI century, contains the whole spectrum of manifestations of the ongoing reforms and transformations. It embodies the level of dynamism and efficiency of the development of an independent state.
The modernization of historical consciousness reflects the social effectiveness of interaction between civil society and the state. The development of civil society is largely determined by the level of consistency of its institutions and structures. The role of civil society in the development of the socio-cultural values of democracy, the adherence of society to the principles of tolerance and competitiveness is important. The Head of State Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev noted “Kazakhstan is entering a completely new era, bringing fundamental changes in all spheres of life (State of the Nation Address, 2021). In the context of global instability and many new challenges, we need to strengthen our value orientations, to form a clear image of the future” in the Address of to the people of Kazakhstan dated September 1, 2021. The unity of the people and systemic reforms are a solid basis for the country's prosperity (State of the Nation Address, 2021).
One of the main social segments of civil society is the middle class. Its development is associated with the strengthening of knowledge-intensive industries, stimulating small and medium-sized businesses, expanding the educational space in the framework of training highly qualified specialists in demanded professions, and the effectiveness of policies in the field of employment and services. A serious condition for the development of Kazakhstan's modernization course is the reproduction of the middle class. It is important to pay attention to the quantitative and qualitative indicators of its growth. The middle class is being replenished by people from various social strata and professional groups, which indicates a change in the social structure of society. The process of developing new models and technologies of interaction between the middle class and the institutions of civil society and public administration is under way.
Under President Tokayev’s leadership, there has been a significant emphasis on preserving and promoting Kazakhstan’s rich cultural heritage and history. This is evident through various initiatives, especially those focused on elevating the status of cultural institutions like the National Museum of Kazakhstan, enhancing the educational and informative value of cultural exhibitions, and expanding the global awareness of Kazakh cultural identity. These efforts are part of a broader strategy aimed at fostering national pride and consolidating social unity through an appreciation of the country's past and present achievements. The National Museum of Kazakhstan, situated in the capital city of Nur-Sultan, serves as a central element in this cultural strategy. Since Tokayev’s tenure, there has been an increased allocation of resources towards the museum's development, marked by the inauguration of new exhibits that delve deeply into the vast epochs of Kazakh history – from the Bronze Age to the modern era of independence. These exhibitions are meticulously curated to narrate the story of Kazakhstan through a series of interconnected themes, including the evolution of the Kazakh state, the cultural impacts of historical trade routes like the Silk Road, and the significant contributions of various ethnic groups to the national tapestry.
One notable exhibition under President Tokayev’s administration showcases the medieval period of the Kazakh Khanate, illustrating the political, social, and economic landscapes of the time. This exhibition not only highlights the historical significance of the Kazakh Khanate in regional politics but also emphasizes its role in the cultural and economic exchanges that shaped Central Asia. By presenting these aspects through interactive displays and digital reconstructions, the museum offers visitors an immersive experience, making history accessible and engaging to a contemporary audience. Furthermore, the National Museum has also hosted exhibitions focusing on the tragic and tumultuous periods of the 20th century, including the impact of Soviet policies on Kazakhstan. These exhibits cover topics such as the forced collectivization that led to the tragic famine of the 1930s and the political repressions that affected numerous Kazakh intellectuals and leaders. By confronting these painful parts of its history, Kazakhstan under Tokayev is taking bold steps towards national healing and reconciliation, acknowledging the importance of remembering the past to ensure a more just and aware society.
President Tokayev’s cultural initiatives extend beyond historical retrospection. They also include the celebration of contemporary Kazakh art and innovation. The museum frequently features exhibitions of modern Kazakh artists, sculptors, and digital creators, celebrating the vibrant and dynamic nature of contemporary Kazakh culture. These exhibitions not only serve to highlight the talents within the country but also act as a bridge connecting Kazakhstan to the global cultural dialogue, showcasing its modern artistic expressions and cultural productions. Moreover, the administration has emphasized the importance of cultural education as part of the national curriculum. This is reflected in collaborations between the National Museum and educational institutions across Kazakhstan, where programs are designed to integrate museum visits into the educational experience of students. These programs aim to instill a deep understanding and appreciation of Kazakhstan’s historical and cultural heritage from an early age, fostering a sense of identity and pride among the youth. Additionally, the Tokayev administration has recognized the role of cultural diplomacy in enhancing Kazakhstan's international stature. By organizing international exhibitions and cultural festivals that showcase Kazakh culture and history, the government aims to strengthen diplomatic ties and promote cultural exchange. These events serve as platforms for dialogue and understanding, positioning Kazakhstan as a culturally rich and open nation on the world stage.
These cultural policies and initiatives under President Tokayev are part of a larger vision to modernize Kazakhstan’s society while staying rooted in its historical and cultural foundations. By investing in cultural institutions and promoting an inclusive approach to history and heritage, the Tokayev administration is actively working towards creating a cohesive national identity that respects diversity and honors its historical legacies. In sum, the focused efforts to boost cultural awareness and education through the National Museum of Kazakhstan and related activities under President Tokayev’s guidance are not merely about preserving the past; they are about crafting a narrative that resonates with both Kazakhstanis and the international community. This narrative is crucial for the ongoing process of nation-building and for securing Kazakhstan's place as a pivotal cultural and historical hub in Central Asia and beyond. These efforts underscore a commitment to a future where the past informs and enriches the present, fostering a society that values knowledge, respects diversity, and promotes unity through a shared understanding of a multifaceted historical journey.
In addressing the dynamics of the development of Kazakhstan's historical science during the years of independence, it is crucial to contextualize the country's strategic geopolitical position in Central Asia and its broader implications, particularly concerning commercial relationships and interactions with China. This regional positioning has not only shaped Kazakhstan's historical narrative but also its economic and political interactions on the global stage, influencing its relations with Latin America. Kazakhstan serves as a pivotal bridge between Europe and Asia, making it a central player in China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). This project aims to enhance regional connectivity and embrace a brighter economic future by linking trade routes between Asia and Europe. As a result, Kazakhstan has gained significance as a transit hub for goods moving to and from China, with direct implications for Latin American markets. For example, increased trade between Asia and Europe can shift global trade dynamics, affecting commodity prices and trade routes that are vital to Latin American economies.
Furthermore, Kazakhstan's efforts to assert its historical identity and independence have led to significant investments in historical research and education, which aim to reconstruct and promote its narrative, free from Soviet-era constraints. This reconstructive effort has parallels in Latin America, where countries are also revisiting their historical narratives to better reflect indigenous and local perspectives overshadowed during periods of colonialism and Cold War politics. These developments suggest a shared interest between Kazakhstan and Latin American nations in leveraging historical research and education to bolster national identity and international relations. Enhanced cooperation between academic communities in Kazakhstan and Latin America could foster deeper cultural and scholarly exchanges, facilitating a greater understanding of their respective historical trajectories and contributing to more balanced geopolitical and economic relationships.
The modernization of historical consciousness also significantly enhances the sustainable development of civil society through the importance of transmitting the history of the peoples to local generations. This transmission is essential for cultivating a sense of identity and continuity, which underpins the development of a robust civil society. By ensuring that historical narratives are passed down through generations, communities are better able to appreciate their shared heritage and values, which fosters a greater sense of unity and social cohesion. Consensus plays an important role in the development of civil society. It is a system for developing a single agreed opinion and decision-making by political forces and the general public on the basis of coordinating positions and points of view. The level of consensus is determined by the attitude and approach to resolving political conflicts and is determined by the nature of the political system. The characteristic factors of civil society are the multiparty system, the optimality and dynamism of state policy. Consensus helps to strengthen political stability and interethnic harmony in society. Civil society includes such fundamental positions as a market economy with a diverse form of ownership; proclamation of liberal rights and freedoms; a state with a developed structure of management institutions, which acts as a guarantor of the observance and implementation of laws; development of social partnership.
The development and coordination of actions and interests of the majority of members of society creates the preconditions for the creation of a welfare state, the key core of which is the middle class. In the realities of our time, the middle class has a high level of education, has ample opportunities for self-improvement, self-knowledge and development of new areas of activity. Representatives of this class occupy a fairly strong position in the social ladder, are less susceptible to social risks and challenges, and are more confident about the future (Molotkina & Khmelnytska, 2023).
In studies of modern society, aspects of the participation of the middle class in the implementation of state programs are of great relevance, they influence the modernization of historical consciousness. The middle class has broad motivation for professional and career growth, business success, and active consumer leisure. He is interested in the all-round development of the economy, maintaining stability in society. Entrepreneurial activity makes it possible to show initiative and business qualities, to receive and distribute income. At the same time, the middle class is the guarantor of social stability, its representatives are interested in their socio-economic, moral and spiritual development. The identification of citizens with the middle class, which occurs due to their favorable, stable financial, material, intellectual and educational situation, confirms their satisfaction with the public administration system, standards and quality of life.
The modernization of historical consciousness is determined by the welfare of society. The quality of life of the population is an indicator of the effectiveness of social policy. It is important that the level of society's life and activity correspond to social needs and expectations. Social interaction between the population and the state takes place in the sphere of material production, moral and communicative communication, and the development of socio-cultural values. The growth in living standards is associated with the social sector, the quality and availability of education, health care, housing, comfortable and safe living. It is important to develop a welfare state in the realities of the XXI century.
It is obvious that the problems discussed in the article “Dynamics of development of historical science in the Republic of Kazakhstan” are related to the development of world historical science. It is known that the development of historical science in our country in such a demanding environment is becoming increasingly important. Let's focus on some of the positive changes in the history of Kazakhstan in the country from 1991 to 2020: the study of “Aktandak”, which has existed for many years in our history, the defense of PhD, doctoral and PhD dissertations on important topics and the State “Cultural Heritage”. This includes research projects funded and implemented in accordance with the requirements of the programs “Scientific Treasure”, “People in the flow of history” and “Eternal Country”.
For more than a quarter of a century, many scientific articles have been prepared and published on this topic. It should be noted that a significant number of them were published in the world's top journals based on Scopus and received appropriate reviews from foreign scientists. A significant part of the books on this topic and articles published in such foreign journals have participated in exhibitions of scientific works organized at the world level, discussed and received special awards.
In conclusion, on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kazakh scientists have done a great job in declaring the past of our country in accordance with the requirements of historical science and making it an integral part of world history.
1. To take into account the full publication of the history of previously closed and undisclosed periods and events in the history of Kazakhstan with the help of factual data.
2. Pay special attention to the activities of historical figures who lived and worked at different times in the name of freedom and independence of the Motherland, but whose names and positions are still aspired to.
3. An integral part of the history of Kazakhstan – the planned continuation of research work on the history of its regions and territories.
4. Make it a habit to publish major scientific works in foreign, especially English, scientific publications, regardless of the scope and content of the work.
5. Pay attention to the fact that historians of Kazakhstan directly participate in scientific conferences and make reports, especially in foreign countries.
6. It is known that in the implementation of such and other concrete measures, a number of steps will be taken to make the history of our nation a part of world history.
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Recibido: 18/10/2023
Evaluado: 18/04/2024
Versión Final: 05/07/2024
(*) Doctor in History. Professor (Institute of History of the State, Ministry of Science and Higher Education). Kazakhstan. Email: yerkinabil@hotmail.com ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0003-2118-9877
(**) Doctor in History, Professor (Department of Source Studies, Historiography and History of Kazakhstan, Institute of History of the State, Ministry of Science and Higher Education). Kazakhstan. Email: karass.gan@proton.me ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0008-5516-3348
(***) PhD, Associate Professor (Department of History of Kazakhstan, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University; Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology, Science Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education). Kazakhstan Email: altyn161@outlook.com ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0004-1548-7875
(****) Doctor in Political Sciences, Associate Professor (Department of Source Studies, Historiography and History of Kazakhstan, Institute of History of the State, Ministry of Science and Higher Education). Kazakhstan. Email: mkaliyeva@protonmail.com ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0006-4404-7048
(*****) PhD, Associate Professor (Department of Source Studies, Historiography and History of Kazakhstan, Institute of History of the State, Ministry of Science and Higher Education). Kazakhstan. Email: (corresponding) kanat.yensen@gmail.com ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0004-4534-623X