Reflection on the limits of the history of emotions. From procedural response to an analytical theory?

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Daniel Nicolás Briones Molina


This paper proposes to analyse the methodological contribution of the history of emotions to cultural studies. The paper presents the state of the theoretical discussion of the contribution of emotions to historiographical interpretation. Finally, it reflects on the contribution of the methodological proposals that have underpinned research related to the history of emotions, capable of opening up theoretical readings that make it possible to represent historical change.


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How to Cite
Briones Molina, D. N. (2023). Reflection on the limits of the history of emotions. From procedural response to an analytical theory?. Historia Regional, (49), 1-8. Retrieved from
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Author Biography

Daniel Nicolás Briones Molina, Universidad Bernardo O'Higgins

Licenciado en Historia. Magister en Historia. Doctorando en Historia (Universidad de Chile). Investigador Asociado (Universidad Bernardo O'Higgins). Chile.


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