Algunas reflexiones sobre la sociedad civil y el estado en África
Dentro de los análisis de política internacional, el concepto de sociedad civil fue revitalizado durante la década de 1980 como una manera de conceptualizar la opresión de Estado y especialmente para el caso de los países africanos bajo los planes de ajuste estructural de FMI y Banco Mundial, fue presentado como el símbolo de la fe en la importancia clave del sector privado para la salud económica y política del país. Este artículo es un intento de problematizar los múltiples significados de Estado y sociedad civil teniendo en cuenta las experiencias históricas de los países africanos.
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Cómo citar
Cejas, M. (2005). Algunas reflexiones sobre la sociedad civil y el estado en África. Historia Regional, (23), 119-128. Retrieved from

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ALLEN, Chris, ‘Who Needs Civil Society?’, En: Review of African Political Economy, 1997, 73, pp. 329-337.
BAYART, Jean-François “Civil Society in Africa”, En: CHABAL, Patrick (ed.), Political Domination in Africa: Reflections on the Limits of Power. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1986, pp. 109-125.
BOBBIO, Norberto, “Gramcsi and the Concept of Civil Society”, En: KEANE, John (ed.), Civil Society and the State. Londres, Verso, 1988, pp. 73-100.
BRATTON, M., ‘Beyond the State: Civil Society and Association Life in Africa’, En: World Politics, 1989, 41, 3, pp. 407-430.
BRATTON, M., ‘Popular Protest and Political Reform in Africa’, En: Comparative Politics, 1992, 24, 4, pp. 53-84.
BRATTON, Michael, “Civil Society and Political Transitions in Africa”, En: HARBESON, J.W., ROTHCHILD, D. and CHAZAN, Naomi (eds.) Civil Society and the State in Africa. Boulder, London, Lynne Reinner, 1994.
COPANS, Jean, Les marabouts et l’arachide. Le confrerie mouride et les paysans du Senegal. Paris, Editions le Sycamore, 1980.
COULON, Christian, Le marabout et le prince (Islam et pouvoir au Senegal). Paris, Editions A. Pedone, 1981.
DAVID, Wilfred L. y DAVID, Peggy A., “Resolving the African Development Cathexia: Empowerment of the People”, En: FERAIDOON, Shams, State and Society in Africa. Perspectives on Continuity and Change. Lanham, University Press of America, Inc. 1995.
DIA, Mamadou, “Indigenous Management Practices: Lessons for Africa’s Management in the ´90s”, En: SERAGELDIN; Ismail y TABOROFF, June (eds.), Culture and Development in Africa: proceedings of an international conference held at the World Bank, Washington, D.C., April 2 and 3, 1992. Washington, D.D., The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The World Bank, 1994.
GALLOY, Martine-Renée y GRUENAIS, Marc-Eric; “Errements des démocraties balbutiantes: des disctateurs africaines sortis des urnes”, En: Le Monde Diplomatique, Nº 524, noviembre 1997.
HARBESON, John, “Civil Society and Political Renaissance in Africa”, En: HARBESON, J.W., ROTHCHILD, D. and CHAZAN, Naomi (eds.) Civil Society and the State in Africa. Boulder, London, Lynne Reinner, 1994.
HYDEN, Goren, “Reciprocity and Governance in Africa”, En: WUNSCH, James and OLOWU, Dele, The Failure of the Centralized State: Institutions and Self-Governance in Africa. Boulder, Westview Press, 1990.
LOCKE, John, Two Treatises of Civil Government. London, J.M. Dent & Sons, 1955.
MAMDANI, M. & WAMBA-DIA-WAMBA, E., African Studies in Social Movements and Democracy. Dakar, Codesria, 1995.
MARKOVITZ, I.L. (ed.), Studies of Power and Class in Africa. New York, Oxford University Press, 1987.
MBEMBE, Achille, Afriques indociles: Christianisme, povouir et Etat en la societé postcoloniale. Paris, Khartala, 1988.
MUDIMBE, V. Y., The Invention of Africa: Gnosis, Philosophy, and the Orders of Knowledge. Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1988.
NDEGWA, S.N., The Two Faces of Civil Society: NGO and the Politics in Africa. West Hartford, Kumarian Press, 1996.
OYEKARAN, Olasope O. and OLU ADEDIRAN, Michael, “Colonialism, Citizenship and Fractured National Identity: the African Case”, En: OOMMEN, T.K. (ed.), Citizenship and National Identity: From Colonialism to Globalism. New Delhi, Cloth, 1997.
ROTHCHILD, Donald and LAWSON, Letitia, “The interactions Between State and Civil Society in Africa: From Deadlock to New Routines”, En: HARBESON, J.W., ROTHCHILD, D. and CHAZAN, Naomi (eds.) Civil Society and the State in Africa. Boulder, London, Lynne Reinner, 1994.
STEPAN, Alfred, Rethinking Military Politics: Brazil and the Southern Cone. Princeton, Princeton University Press.
YOUNG, Crawford, “In Search of Civil Society”, En: HARBESON, J.W., ROTHCHILD, D. and CHAZAN, Naomi (eds.) Civil Society and the State in Africa. Boulder, London, Lynne Reinner, 1994.
BAYART, Jean-François “Civil Society in Africa”, En: CHABAL, Patrick (ed.), Political Domination in Africa: Reflections on the Limits of Power. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1986, pp. 109-125.
BOBBIO, Norberto, “Gramcsi and the Concept of Civil Society”, En: KEANE, John (ed.), Civil Society and the State. Londres, Verso, 1988, pp. 73-100.
BRATTON, M., ‘Beyond the State: Civil Society and Association Life in Africa’, En: World Politics, 1989, 41, 3, pp. 407-430.
BRATTON, M., ‘Popular Protest and Political Reform in Africa’, En: Comparative Politics, 1992, 24, 4, pp. 53-84.
BRATTON, Michael, “Civil Society and Political Transitions in Africa”, En: HARBESON, J.W., ROTHCHILD, D. and CHAZAN, Naomi (eds.) Civil Society and the State in Africa. Boulder, London, Lynne Reinner, 1994.
COPANS, Jean, Les marabouts et l’arachide. Le confrerie mouride et les paysans du Senegal. Paris, Editions le Sycamore, 1980.
COULON, Christian, Le marabout et le prince (Islam et pouvoir au Senegal). Paris, Editions A. Pedone, 1981.
DAVID, Wilfred L. y DAVID, Peggy A., “Resolving the African Development Cathexia: Empowerment of the People”, En: FERAIDOON, Shams, State and Society in Africa. Perspectives on Continuity and Change. Lanham, University Press of America, Inc. 1995.
DIA, Mamadou, “Indigenous Management Practices: Lessons for Africa’s Management in the ´90s”, En: SERAGELDIN; Ismail y TABOROFF, June (eds.), Culture and Development in Africa: proceedings of an international conference held at the World Bank, Washington, D.C., April 2 and 3, 1992. Washington, D.D., The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The World Bank, 1994.
GALLOY, Martine-Renée y GRUENAIS, Marc-Eric; “Errements des démocraties balbutiantes: des disctateurs africaines sortis des urnes”, En: Le Monde Diplomatique, Nº 524, noviembre 1997.
HARBESON, John, “Civil Society and Political Renaissance in Africa”, En: HARBESON, J.W., ROTHCHILD, D. and CHAZAN, Naomi (eds.) Civil Society and the State in Africa. Boulder, London, Lynne Reinner, 1994.
HYDEN, Goren, “Reciprocity and Governance in Africa”, En: WUNSCH, James and OLOWU, Dele, The Failure of the Centralized State: Institutions and Self-Governance in Africa. Boulder, Westview Press, 1990.
LOCKE, John, Two Treatises of Civil Government. London, J.M. Dent & Sons, 1955.
MAMDANI, M. & WAMBA-DIA-WAMBA, E., African Studies in Social Movements and Democracy. Dakar, Codesria, 1995.
MARKOVITZ, I.L. (ed.), Studies of Power and Class in Africa. New York, Oxford University Press, 1987.
MBEMBE, Achille, Afriques indociles: Christianisme, povouir et Etat en la societé postcoloniale. Paris, Khartala, 1988.
MUDIMBE, V. Y., The Invention of Africa: Gnosis, Philosophy, and the Orders of Knowledge. Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1988.
NDEGWA, S.N., The Two Faces of Civil Society: NGO and the Politics in Africa. West Hartford, Kumarian Press, 1996.
OYEKARAN, Olasope O. and OLU ADEDIRAN, Michael, “Colonialism, Citizenship and Fractured National Identity: the African Case”, En: OOMMEN, T.K. (ed.), Citizenship and National Identity: From Colonialism to Globalism. New Delhi, Cloth, 1997.
ROTHCHILD, Donald and LAWSON, Letitia, “The interactions Between State and Civil Society in Africa: From Deadlock to New Routines”, En: HARBESON, J.W., ROTHCHILD, D. and CHAZAN, Naomi (eds.) Civil Society and the State in Africa. Boulder, London, Lynne Reinner, 1994.
STEPAN, Alfred, Rethinking Military Politics: Brazil and the Southern Cone. Princeton, Princeton University Press.
YOUNG, Crawford, “In Search of Civil Society”, En: HARBESON, J.W., ROTHCHILD, D. and CHAZAN, Naomi (eds.) Civil Society and the State in Africa. Boulder, London, Lynne Reinner, 1994.