Escuela Normal de Maestros of Salta: one school, one city

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María Elina Tejerina


The article refers to the Escuela Normal de Maestros of Salta, from its founding in 1881 to the first Peronist stage. It analyses the characteristics of this institution in three historical moments: foundational stage, period of the centenaries and Peronist phase. The studies referred to the subjects matters of Escuela Normal and normalism history are numerous and they tackle diverse fields. This article recovers several of these contributions, which support the field of inquiry and interpretation of this topic. There are not available works that develop the normalism as field of study in Salta province. The article aims to analyse and to relate the history of the school institution referred to Salta political and social processes, between 1881 to 1955. It pretends to understand the identity features of Escuela Normal Salta, and to point out changes and continuities of the historical process in relation to the institutional identity, to teachers, and to students. We think this work it will be of great utility to understand the social image that Institutions carry.


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How to Cite
Tejerina, M. E. (2016). Escuela Normal de Maestros of Salta: one school, one city. Historia Regional, (35), 99-107. Retrieved from
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Author Biography

María Elina Tejerina, Universidad Nacional de Salta

Escuela de Historia e Instituto de Estudio e Investigación Histórica (I.E.I.His). Universidad Nacional de Salta (UNSa). Profesora de Historia, Especialista en Didáctica. Profesora Titular de Didáctica de la Historia y Práctica Docente y responsable del dictado del Seminario de Salta y la Nación en el siglo XIX. Docente de la carrera del profesorado de Historia de la UNSa, Directora de la Revista Escuela de Historia y del I.E.I.His. Directora de Proyectos de Investigación del Consejo de Investigación de la UNSa.


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