A contextual analysis of “El ‘medio pelo’ en la sociedad argentina (notas para una sociología nacional)”. The revision of a national and popular text.

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Martín Müller


This article analyzes the intellectual relevance in its context of the publication of Arturo Jauretche's book "El medio pelo en la sociedad argentina", from 1966. This text is considered particular within the tradition of Argentine revisionist historiography, due to its innovative nature and its broad reach to a heterogeneous audience.
Thinking from the "interpretive community" that produces and receives the text will allow to see the dialogue with the academic field of the social sciences, in formation and consolidation since 1955, as well as the spheres of diffusion that define its character of popularity and reception.


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How to Cite
Müller, M. (2017). A contextual analysis of “El ‘medio pelo’ en la sociedad argentina (notas para una sociología nacional)”. The revision of a national and popular text. Historia Regional, (37), 67-77. Retrieved from https://historiaregional.org/ojs/index.php/historiaregional/article/view/135
Author Biography

Martín Müller, Facultad de Trabajo Social (Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos) / Direccción Departamental de Educación (Ministerio de Educación de Entre Ríos)

Profesor y Licenciado en Historia (Universidad Nacional de Rosario) / Doctorando en Ciencias Sociales (Facultad de Trabajo Social. Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos). Director Departamental de Educación (Gualeguay, Entre Ríos)


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