Oil workers strike in Mendoza: notes concerning the process of bureaucratization in the 60's

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Gabriela Scodeller


Towards the end of 1958 there was an oil workers conflict against the oil contracts in the context of the policies driven by the government of Frondizi (1958-1962). In this paper we analyze the dynamics that such conflict assumed in Mendoza, place where it starts. A description of the events at provincial level is made in order to understand the contained and form that took the fight. The influence of the political-ideological disputes belonging to the working class on the development of the strike movement is explored. In this line, reflection is made on how the historiographic visions analyzed and placed in this strike, the process of union bureaucratization.


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How to Cite
Scodeller, G. (2008). Oil workers strike in Mendoza: notes concerning the process of bureaucratization in the 60’s. Historia Regional, (26), 61-87. Retrieved from https://historiaregional.org/ojs/index.php/historiaregional/article/view/152
Author Biography

Gabriela Scodeller, Universidad Nacional de CuyoConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas

Profesora y Licenciada en Historia (UNCuyo). Becaria CONICET. Instituto de Ciencias Humanas y Ambientales (INCIHUSA-CONICET).


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