Rethinking two workers strikes carried out by communists: the oil workers strike in Comodoro Rivadavia and the meat workers strike in Avellaneda (1932)

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Hernán Camarero


During 1932, the communists carried out two major strikes: the oil workers in Comodoro Rivadavia and the meat workers (especially in Avellaneda). Both are fights barely studied in the history field, therefore this article attemps to analysis those strikes paying attention to the extent and importance of the communist influence inside the labor movement and unions, paying special attention to the reasons wich allowe to explain the existence of two different industrial scenes of conflict both of them free of struggles till then. And more, in those cities there was a very low rate of union subscription and there were also various difficulties to organize and make de labour claims moving forward.


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How to Cite
Camarero, H. (2008). Rethinking two workers strikes carried out by communists: the oil workers strike in Comodoro Rivadavia and the meat workers strike in Avellaneda (1932). Historia Regional, (26), 119-135. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Hernán Camarero, Universidad de Buenos AiresUniversidad Torcuato Di Tella

Doctor en Historia (Universidad de Buenos Aires). Profesor e investigador en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras y Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la UBA, y en la Universidad Torcuato Di Tella


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