Estanislao Zeballos and the segregation of Buenos Aires (1852)

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Santiago Sánchez


From 1852 to 1861 Argentine territory was splittered into the State of Buenos Aires and the Argentine Confederation. In those times, national identity was still weak. Every province had its own local identity, and there was an intense rivalry between Buenos Aires and the interior. This would change since 1861, after the creation of the Argentine Republic.


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How to Cite
Sánchez, S. (2008). Estanislao Zeballos and the segregation of Buenos Aires (1852). Historia Regional, (26), 325-330. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Santiago Sánchez, Universidad Nacional de Rosario / Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas

Profesor y Licenciado en Historia (UNR), Becario doctoral del CONICET.


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VIÑAS, David, Indios, ejército y frontera, Santiago Arcos Editor, Buenos Aires, 2003.

ZEBALLOS, “Los provincianos”, en Revista de Derecho, Historia y Letras, tomo V, 1899, pp. 145-158.

ZEBALLOS, Estanislao, “Los porteños”, en Revista de Derecho, Historia y Letras, tomo IV, 1899.