Social representations, reproductive and a esthetic health of the gypsy neuquinan

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Rolando Javier Bel


In this article I try to investigate on the situation of the gypsy women of the city of Neuquén. The gypsy families –of popular origin- evidence different forms of resistances and integration with the state. Although this problematic one does not constitute a central intention in my investigation, focused in the processes of education of children and gypsy children in the city of Neuquén, I consider essential that all investigation in social sciences includes the sort perspective. In addition I will try to elaborate a version where the voices of feminine protagonists like teachers recover, social assistants and gypsy mothers.


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How to Cite
Bel, R. J. (2008). Social representations, reproductive and a esthetic health of the gypsy neuquinan. Historia Regional, (26), 341-354. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Rolando Javier Bel, Universidad Nacional del Comahue

Especialista en Estudios Culturales. Docente del Área de Historia de América Latina Contemporánea, Departamento de Historia. Facultad de Humanidades, Universidad Nacional del Comahue


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