Culture and censorship in the sixties

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Jorge Jofre


Perhaps we should clarify that it is by the sixties (not only in Argentina but the rest of the World), when history loses almost everything of the lineality of facts; Any kind of chronology vanishes at the attempt of establishing a clear periodization; when the events seem to pile up in an increasing number and without any logic. Even four decades earlier it results hard to explain the peculiar phenomenon of an era where the “happenings” had reached an unlimited protagonism; where the painting and modern songs seemed to be breaking free from a rusty and different past. Even today it looks to us as a contradictory issue the fact that the times when the audience and the artists were indulging themselves to certain freedoms were the same as those when the June 27th,1966 coup d’etat took place, a clear clue to “de facto” government times and the first stages in censorship.


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How to Cite
Jofre, J. (2008). Culture and censorship in the sixties. Historia Regional, (26), 355-360. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Jorge Jofre, Universidad Nacional de San Martín

Licenciado en Artes con Orientación en Enseñanza de las Artes (USAM). Docente en Escuela Municipal de Artes Visuales de San Miguel y Escuela Municipal de Música “Julián Aguirre"


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