Archaeology and the study of battlefields: the battle of Cepeda, 1859

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Juan Leoni


In this paper, I review the origin and development of the field of battlefield archaeology. The initial objections and disinterest that prevented its earlier development are pointed out. The archaeological research of the Little Big Horn (1876) battlefield is briefly presented, as it constitutes a seminal and paradigmatic study case in the field. The rest of the paper focuses on the archaeological study, currently in progress, of the second battle of Cepeda (1859). Its objectives and different lines of research are discussed. Preliminary and partial results are presented as well, which contribute to visualize the potential of this study to deepen existing knowledge of a crucial event in national history.


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How to Cite
Leoni, J. (2015). Archaeology and the study of battlefields: the battle of Cepeda, 1859. Historia Regional, (33), 77-101. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Juan Leoni, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas / Universidad Nacional de Rosario

Lic. y Dr. en Antropología. Investigador Adjunto CONICET; docente y director del Departamento de Arqueología, Escuela de Antropología, Facultad de Humanidades y Artes, Universidad Nacional de Rosario.


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