Imagine territorial limits: writings on the maps. (About Facundo D. F. Sarmiento)

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Florencia Antequera


This article analyzes the categories “desert”, “city” included into D.F. Sarmiento’s Facundo as means through which his writing style meets the aim of “imagining territorially” when telling. Sarmiento builds up his “own map” when he intertwines both civilization and barbarism as axes that goes beyond the strict dichotomy.


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How to Cite
Antequera, F. (2007). Imagine territorial limits: writings on the maps. (About Facundo D. F. Sarmiento). Historia Regional, (25), 285-292. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Florencia Antequera, Universidad Nacional de Rosario

Estudiante de Letras, Facultad de Humanidades y Artes, UNR.


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