The needed framework and an indispensable identity. The 1966 military coup and the rising of the Montoneros

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Javier Salcedo


The 1966 coup d'état, led by General Juan Carlos Onganía, officially adopted the 'West Point' doctrine to fight against communism. It was a preemptive strike to ward off a distant communism in a country where Peronism had taken hold. Could communism and Peronism fuse together? Paradoxically, this military coup provided the stage for multiple groups of young revolutionaries who set out to take over and establish socialism in Argentina.This article intends to reflect on that military government and its alignment during the Cold War as the perfect set-up for the rise, organization and growth of the militant revolutionaries during 1966-1970. Since Argentina saw the most significant guerrilla activities — in terms of mass adhesion and mass militancy — after 1970, this piece focuses mainly on the decision-making period, initial tactics — such as political alignment — and strategic goals of the young people with a Peronist identity who started an armed fight to trigger a revolutionary civil war. Based on documents drafted by the revolutionaries themselves during that period, this paper analyzes the Peronist political identity of an important group of revolutionaries, as well as their various tactics, strategic goals, and the means to achieve them.


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How to Cite
Salcedo, J. (2015). The needed framework and an indispensable identity. The 1966 military coup and the rising of the Montoneros. Historia Regional, (33), 127-150. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Javier Salcedo, Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero / Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Magíster en Historia (Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero); Doctor en Historia (Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero). Profesor Adjunto “Problemas de historia del siglo XX” (Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero); Profesor Adjunto en “Historia Económica y Social Argentina y Latinoamericana” (Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Universidad Nacional de La Plata.


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