Four notes for a study on Leónidas Gambartes

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Jorge Jofre


In "Taquigrafiando lo social", Renato Ortiz enunciates an old question of social sciences "How is possible to think the society?". The question opens the breach for our question.... As it is possible to think the pictorial work of the rosarino Leonidas Gambartes? To try to make specific a study on Gambartes is, in definitive "thinking" the rosarino painting del still weighs to the important temporary distance that it moves away it of our present; in spite of little that we can obtain on its own ideas.The notes, according to I create, they can serve to us as excuse to reflect on aesthetic and the same society....on a society that by ¨50 or ´60 recreated "imaginary loaded groups" of masticates beliefs there; on a society that served as referring to many of the images of the painter.


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How to Cite
Jofre, J. (2007). Four notes for a study on Leónidas Gambartes. Historia Regional, (25), 293-298. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Jorge Jofre, Universidad Nacional de San Martín

Licenciado en Artes. (UNSAM). Profesor terciario y universitario.


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