The failure of the San Nicolas UOM's “vandorist” union conception in SOMISA's privatization conflict

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Mauricio Correa


This work aims at recounting for the performance of the UOM in San Nicolás regarding the privatization of the steel mill SOMISA, carried out by the Justicialist government of Carlos Manem, successful into his politics of the argentinian econmomy reformulation, turning it into a neoliberal one.The ruling class of this trade union movement – which belongs to the government political party – is a clear example of how this argentinian movement of the 1990s was not able to, did not want or could not restrain the menemist impulse to privatize.The proposed objective is to point out how the vandorist syndical strategy, typical of such a powerful syndicate as the UOM and other national trade union movements, failed in his attempt to stop or at least “condition” the privatization of SOMISA.this failure should not only be understood within a political, social and economic context which was unfavourable for the argentinian syndicates, but also in the light of the particular relationship between the local government and the national trade union movement UOM.


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How to Cite
Correa, M. (2006). The failure of the San Nicolas UOM’s “vandorist” union conception in SOMISA’s privatization conflict. Historia Regional, (24), 65-86. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Mauricio Correa, Universidad Nacional de Rosario/ Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas

Profesor de Historia, UNR, Becario del CONICET.


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