Reviewing the Past and Inventing the Present. The Steelworkers of Villa Constitucion and Menenismo, 1989-1992

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María Cecilia Cangiano


The purpose of this article is to reconstruct the way in which the local working class has responded to the social and political changes since the return of democracy, particularly those changes that took place during the first years of Menem's administration, between 1989 and 1991. This reconstruction explores the ideological discourse of the steelworkers and of the labor and political practices, in an attempt to prove that: firstly, the workers redefined their political practices based on the analysis of the adverse power relationships, characterized by the return of formal democracy, the marginal position of the working class during the democratic transition and the new challenges posed by the recent neoliberal hegemony and industrial reconversion process; and, secondly, that the union strategies were also determined by the militancy and repression experience of the '70s, in a process of past revision which will lead to a creation of the present.


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Cangiano, M. C. (2006). Reviewing the Past and Inventing the Present. The Steelworkers of Villa Constitucion and Menenismo, 1989-1992. Historia Regional, (24), 175-195. Retrieved from
Author Biography

María Cecilia Cangiano, Universidad de Buenos Aires/ University of New York

Egresada de Historia por la Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires. Doctora en Historia por la State University of New York, Stony Brook.


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