The Medieval Age and the idea of progress

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Jorge Jofre


Under the effect of a fast glance to the content of "La Edad Media y la Idea del Progreso ", it is easy to construct that in its essence they are the two key words that conform this brief work: history and progress. From the point of view of history, after brief considerations fundamentally of historiographic character, the question is solved in tie aspects to the Medieval Age: the thought of the time, the culture and Literature. From the point of view of the progress, the support is constructed with the thought of Walter Benjamin. Thus it is as the benjaminian idea of the progress crosses appointments and commentaries on the Medieval Age, looking for a way that clarifies if at such historical moment the possibility fits to him to a certain extent of implying itself with changes that include a evolution to future of such.


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How to Cite
Jofre, J. (2006). The Medieval Age and the idea of progress. Historia Regional, (24), 245-252. Retrieved from
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Author Biography

Jorge Jofre, Universidad Nacional de San Martin

Licenciado en Artes. (UNSAM). Profesor terciario y universitario


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