New Social Movements: Ecological Niches, or Spheres for the Construction of New Identities?

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Cora Silvano


The impact of new ways of collective organization in the 80s, known as “New Social Movements”, generated a profound debate about its possibilities and limitations as means of social and political transformation. The polemics envolved the questioning of categories for the analysis of these events. In this article I intend to state some contributions of theoretical lines of the Social Science (theories of the transition towards democracy, analytical Marxism, post-Marxism) and articulate “other voices” (other opinions), particularly those of groups of women who have outcome in the city of Rosario in the 80s and the beginning of the 90s.The view points are included in some issues about what has happened from this last decade to think about development and breaking.


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How to Cite
Silvano, C. (2006). New Social Movements: Ecological Niches, or Spheres for the Construction of New Identities?. Historia Regional, (24), 255-270. Retrieved from
Exchange of points of view
Author Biography

Cora Silvano, Instituto Superior de Profesorado N°3

Profesora de Filosofía y Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educación


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