The genocide against Armenia: stimulating solidarity to enable integration, respect and tolerance between individuals and people's attitudes

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Sabrina Demirdjian


The National University of Rosario through Catedra Armenia, has organised a programme “tolerance and respect among peoples” with the idea of providing the instruments of analysis and reflexion, to approach the history of the armenian genocide against the armenian people and project actions aimed to achieve solidarity and mutual respect from an intercultural perspective as the necessary foundations for a peaceful co-existance/social harmony. The contents developed during the face-to-face workshops- with motivational audiovisuals as triggers- cover different topics: geopolitic historical context- the analysis of epistemolic criterias such as the denial; think from the victim´s point of view “why armenia?” ; the genocide against the armenian people: perpetrated by turkey and still denied, ties between Argentina and Armenia.


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How to Cite
Demirdjian, S. (2015). The genocide against Armenia: stimulating solidarity to enable integration, respect and tolerance between individuals and people’s attitudes. Historia Regional, (33), 173-182. Retrieved from
Teaching materials
Author Biography

Sabrina Demirdjian, Universidad Nacional de Rosario

Directora de la Cátedra Armenia de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Maestranda en Integración y Cooperación Internacional del CERIR de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario.


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