A look from the urban history. Rosario and the art. 1960-75

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Ana Florencia Frontini


In this work, we propose to approach from the analysis of three precise cases of artists of Rosario in 1968, its relation with the city, and how they were positioned with exploring through precise cases of the experience of the plastic avant garde.This work registers within the frame of a greater investigation project, centered in Rosario between the years 1960-75, wich proposes a glance tied with the urban and cultural history of our city. The study of the complex bonds of occupation, conquers, appropriation and rejection that the different branches from the artistic production did of the urban space, and the place that adjudged to him like topic of their productions, will allow to enrich local cultural history.


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How to Cite
Frontini, A. F. (2006). A look from the urban history. Rosario and the art. 1960-75. Historia Regional, (24), 295-305. Retrieved from https://historiaregional.org/ojs/index.php/historiaregional/article/view/211
Author Biography

Ana Florencia Frontini, Universidad Nacional de Rosario

Arquitecta. Becaria de Conicet. Doctoranda en Carrera de Doctorado, Escuela de Posgrado. FHyA: UNR. Adscrita a la Cátedra de Historia Social Latinoamericana. Carrera Antropología. FHyA. UNR


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