The “occupations” during the Martinez Baca government in Mendoza (1973): a struggle for the appropriation of the working place

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Gabriela Scodeller


In this work, we analyzed the dynamic of the process of public and private spaces occupation, during the Cámpora government. Only occupations by workers were analyzed, which represented one third of the total episodes. The vast majority of the claims were “against continuity”. However, behind that claim different motivations appear, expressing these occupations a struggle for the appropriation of the political and social system, by the different forces that transversally severed the argentine society. Did these occupations mean a questioning to the hierarchical order? Did they express class autonomy? Or where they radicalized struggles similar to the antigovernment reaction against the previous dictatorship?


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How to Cite
Scodeller, G. (2005). The “occupations” during the Martinez Baca government in Mendoza (1973): a struggle for the appropriation of the working place. Historia Regional, (23), 41-57. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Gabriela Scodeller, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas

Licenciada en Historia. Becaria Doctoral del CONICET. Instituto de Ciencias Humanas, Sociales y Ambiantales (INCIHUSA). Centro Regional de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas (CRICYT), Mendoza


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