Should we call “The Third Golf War” as “The Petroleum War”?

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Juan Aníbal González


In order to give some answers to this situation I ask myself several questions which will work as trigger to develop a modest analysis of the situation Iraq is going through. 1) Which is the responsibility of the UN in this conflict? Is it accomplice of Great Powers? 2) The international terrorism justified a strategic need ofUSA… Petroleum and this was the reason to advance through Afganistan. Was it the same reason to invadeIraq? Central argument in the complete Middle East problematic and on this subject we have to agree or at least have a contact point. From the basis that the Golf region has the 65% of the world reserve and supplies the 30% of the crude oil consumed at a very low production cost.It is obvious that this theory to the State Department is underneath the mask of international terrorism and the need to establish in the region the “Democracy” or another “Customize Democracy.


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How to Cite
González, J. A. (2005). Should we call “The Third Golf War” as “The Petroleum War”?. Historia Regional, (23), 149-160. Retrieved from
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Author Biography

Juan Aníbal González, Sección Historia. Instituto Superior de Profesorado N°3

Profesor en Historia. Instituto Superior del Profesorado Nº 3. Docente de Institutos de educación Superior y Media


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