Lights and shades in the growth of the region of Rosario

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Berta Wexler


This paper attempts to find out some aspects about the new and significant growth in Rosario area in the last years, due particularly to the so called “soy boom”.Contradictions are here unveiled, between the great development of soy exportation and its secondary industries which have reached unknown levels benefiting only a few people, and the deterioration of large groups plunged into poverty. The Rosario of Conferences, such as the III International Conference on the Spanish Language, of important cultural events, of tourism, of the city-port, of foreign investment capitals, and the dark view of life of isolated social groups.


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How to Cite
Wexler, B. (2005). Lights and shades in the growth of the region of Rosario. Historia Regional, (23), 161-174. Retrieved from
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Author Biography

Berta Wexler, Instituto Superior de Profesorado N°3

Magíster en la Problemática del Género y Profesora Especializada de Historia. República Argentina. Instituto Superior Profesorado N° 3. Villa Constitución. Provincia de Santa Fe


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