Slavery, religion of the state and patriarchy challenged in the Revolution of the Independence of Haiti. Comparative analysis of two constitutional texts (1801 - 1805)

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Gustavo Guevara


From the analysis of the constitutional texts of 1801 and 1805, the result of the anti-slavery rebellion in Saint Domingue / Haiti, we propose to promote a reflection on the socio-legal changes in the population of the island, the dominant family model and state regulation of religion, in the context of the first independence of Our America. This view aims to reinforce the criticism towards certain myths repeated over a century and a half in our school environment and not entirely banished in the present.


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How to Cite
Guevara, G. (2018). Slavery, religion of the state and patriarchy challenged in the Revolution of the Independence of Haiti. Comparative analysis of two constitutional texts (1801 - 1805). Historia Regional, (39), 1-8. Retrieved from
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Author Biography

Gustavo Guevara, Universidad Nacional de Rosario / Universidad Nacional de la Plata

Profesor en Historia (Universidad Nacional de Rosario) y Doctor en Historia (Universidad Nacional de La Plata). Docente en la Universidad Nacional de Rosario, la Universidad de Buenos Aires y el Instituto de Educación Superior Nº 28


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