“Advertisements of a certain class”. Advertising in an anarchist newspaper from the beginning of the 20th century

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Diego Cives


Although it was a characteristic feature of the libertarian press, one of the great avatars that the main newspaper of the movement, "La Protesta", had to face was the challenge that involved the arduous task of editing a morning edition. Regardless of their constant requests to increase the number of subscribers, the sole will of its editors and a group of militants was not enough to alleviate the worrying financial reality. In this context, varied strategies were promoted by the editorial aiming to avoid the renewed emergence of the word "deficit" once again. Seeking to obtain new income, from April 1st the aristocratic morning newspaper installed a section that until that moment had been elusive. The objective of the present article is to investigate the emergence, evolution and strengthening of the advertisement between the years 1904 and 1910. We will inquire the transition from a purely worker service to its coexistence with commercial brands and the taste bourgeois style. We will end this work with the boycott campaigns reflected in this section as a form of solidarity with the sector of workers in labor union conflict.


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How to Cite
Cives, D. (2018). “Advertisements of a certain class”. Advertising in an anarchist newspaper from the beginning of the 20th century. Historia Regional, (39), 1-17. Retrieved from https://historiaregional.org/ojs/index.php/historiaregional/article/view/254
Author Biography

Diego Cives, Instituto de Enseñanza Superior N°1/Universidad de San Martín

Escuela Normal Superior N° 7 "José María Torres”. IES N°1 Dra. Alicia Moreau de Justo. Maestrando por el Instituto de Altos Estudios Sociales, dependiente de la Universidad de San Martín, Argentina


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