“Seeing is believing...”. Agroindustry "opportunity for some and threats for others". The Agroindustrial Exploitation in relation to the development of Arroyo Seco city, 1990-2010

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Yennifer Elilia Cerminato
Romina Soledad Silvero


The work gets deeper in topics related to the Argentine economy since 1990 in the Gran Rosario area and in particular to the southern sector of the Province of Santa Fe, which allowed the installation of transnational industries in this area, generating a demographic movement and therefore estated. To this end, the Santa Fe economic policies of the period that allowed the privatization and installation of transnational companies in the city of Arroyo Seco and its area were investigated, turning it into a big investment pole in the period. It discusses how this economic growth unleashed the demographic-real estate. We focus on the investigation of what were the fundamental causes that led to the creation of self-created neighbors groups, that began to emerge with greater visibility in the last two decades. Focusing on the main polluting centers of the city of Arroyo Seco and the way of action of the Basta de Cáncer neighbourhood.


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How to Cite
Cerminato, Y. E., & Silvero, R. S. (2018). “Seeing is believing.”. Agroindustry "opportunity for some and threats for others". The Agroindustrial Exploitation in relation to the development of Arroyo Seco city, 1990-2010. Historia Regional, (39), 1-15. Retrieved from https://historiaregional.org/ojs/index.php/historiaregional/article/view/259
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Author Biographies

Yennifer Elilia Cerminato, Instituto Superior de Profesorado N°3

Profesora de Tercer Ciclo de la Educación General Básica y de la educación Polimodal en Historia. Instituto Superior del Profesorado Nº 3 “Eduardo Laferriere”, Villa Constitución, Argentina

Romina Soledad Silvero, Instituto Superior de Profesorado N°3

Profesora de Tercer Ciclo de la Educación General Básica y de la educación Polimodal en Historia. Instituto Superior del Profesorado Nº 3 “Eduardo Laferriere”, Villa Constitución, Argentina


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