The university student movement from Santa Fe province during the 60s. Spaces, networks, speeches and social practices

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Nélida Diburzi
Natalia Vega


This paper analyzes the social networks and spaces which made it possible the construction of  feelings of solidarity and belonging and, so, favored the organization and demonstration of the university students from Santa Fe province in the second half of the sixties.We understand that these networks and spaces also operated as laboratories for the development of interpersonal relationships and sense structures which led to question what had been established, achieving an alternative, institute like nature. That is why we deal with speeches and practices built and supported by the mobilized groups of students during those years, trying to enquiry about their passage from the student activism to others, being among them the insurgent movement.


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How to Cite
Diburzi, N., & Vega, N. (2004). The university student movement from Santa Fe province during the 60s. Spaces, networks, speeches and social practices. Historia Regional, (22), 25-33. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Nélida Diburzi, Universidad Nacional del Litoral

Docente del Departamento de Historia e integrantes del equipo de investigación en el Proyecto CAI+D 2002 “Historia Social y Sociología Histórica: explicandos y modos de argumentación". Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral

Natalia Vega, Universidad Nacional del Litoral

Docente del Departamento de Historia e integrantes del equipo de investigación en el Proyecto CAI+D 2002 “Historia Social y Sociología Histórica: explicandos y modos de argumentación". Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral


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