Means of subsistence in Luján district of Villa Constitución

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Nadia Alejandra Abrigo
María Guadalupe Mercuri
Ramona Angélica Monzón
Juan Pablo Tentor


First of all our work was based on the observation of the social conditions in which the inhabitants of Luján district have lived and are still living nowadays.Even though the above-mentioned district is labelled under this category, it certainly presents all the characteristics of the slum, especially those concerning its idiosyncrasy, its physical and spatial organisation.This area as well as some similar ones in the city, have been regarded as “Areas in Social Emergency” by the city authorities themselves.Considering the aggravation of poverty due to the economic crisis that has affected the country over the last decades, there is a particular interest in knowing and learning about the means of subsistence carried out by the inhabitants of the area to overcome the harsh situation.In order to achieve our aim, it was necessary to carry out research work through which we were able to empirically prove the existence of different means of subsistence, since there were no official, current or specific data available on the issue.


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How to Cite
Abrigo, N. A., Mercuri, M. G., Monzón, R. A., & Tentor, J. P. (2004). Means of subsistence in Luján district of Villa Constitución. Historia Regional, (22), 69-82. Retrieved from
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Author Biographies

Nadia Alejandra Abrigo, Instituto Superior de Profesorado N°3

Profesora de Historia, Egresada del Instituto Superior de Profesorado N°3

María Guadalupe Mercuri, Instituto Superior de Profesorado N°3

Profesora de Historia, Egresada del Instituto Superior de Profesorado N°3

Ramona Angélica Monzón, Instituto Superior de Profesorado N°3

Profesora de Historia, Egresada del Instituto Superior de Profesorado N°3

Juan Pablo Tentor, Instituto Superior de Profesorado N°3

Profesor de Historia, Egresado del Instituto Superior de Profesorado N°3


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