Meanings and Discourses in High School and College Education in Argentina

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María Eugenia Rodríguez


The analysis of some ideological and political aspects that go through the historical educational discourse lets us understand the complex web of interests and reasons that do up and undo the system resulting in that complex game called the pedagogic practice. This article is based on the idea that, in those historical moments when the socio-economic aspects do not appear as a finished or monolithic structure but are established as topics of argument and confronted discourses –between the leading politics and the popular alternatives- college and high school education act as “fuses” of the political system. In this way, they frame educational alternatives that can diverge or modify popular ideas to suit predetermined governmental policies.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez, M. E. (2004). Meanings and Discourses in High School and College Education in Argentina. Historia Regional, (22), 83-90. Retrieved from
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Author Biography

María Eugenia Rodríguez, Instituto Nacional de Enseñanza Superior de San Nicolás / Universidad Nacional de Quilmes / Universidad Tecnológica Nacional

Profesora en Filosofía, Psicología y Pedagogía, egresada del Instituto Nacional de Enseñanza Superior de San Nicolás. Licenciada en Educación (UnQui). Diploma de especialización en Gestión de las Instituciones Educativas (FLACSO). Maestrando en la Carrera de Maestría en Docencia Universitaria (UTN). Se desempeña como profesora en el Instituto Superior de Profesorado Nº 3 de Villa Constitución y en diversas escuelas medias de la zona.


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