From loyal conspirators. An expression of the nationalist right-Catholic, 1955 in Rio Cuarto

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Griselda Pécora


This paper proposes a rough approximation to the subjectivity of an historical character as a local expression of catholic nationalism. In this regard, we will consider the speech and action of General Dalmiro Videla Balaguer, head of the rebel movement, strongly supported both by the church hierarchy as secular civilian sectors. To do this, we have selected two documents from 1955, as part of the selfnamed Liberating Revolution, namely: the "Revolutionary Proclamation" and the Discourse on October 1, which vividly demonstrate the validity of the current ideological mentioned as a result of progress and triumph after opposition forces Perón. Clearly, in light of the two papers, the basal influence of conservative thought and the catholic nationalist movement from the 1930s. Readings about the subjectivity of characters as presented here -yet unfinished-, can provide constributions to the huge production that has promoted Peronism as an object of study and different interpretations.


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How to Cite
Pécora, G. (2013). From loyal conspirators. An expression of the nationalist right-Catholic, 1955 in Rio Cuarto. Historia Regional, (31), 79-88. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Griselda Pécora, Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto

Profesora y Licenciada en Historia. Magister en Ciencias Sociales, docente e investigadora en Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto.


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