The investigation of the social representations and imaginary as a didactic proposal in history and social sciences. The epistemological and pedagogical implications of the investigation of the “social representations” in history and social sciences didactics, by means of the historical construction of the “Subjectivities” and “Local/Regional imaginaries”

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José Hugo Goicoechea


No Abstract available for: The investigation of the social representations and imaginary as a didactic proposal in history and social sciences. The epistemological and pedagogical implications of the investigation of the “social representations” in history and social sciences didactics, by means of the historical construction of the “Subjectivities” and “Local/Regional imaginaries”


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Goicoechea, J. H. (2003). The investigation of the social representations and imaginary as a didactic proposal in history and social sciences. Historia Regional, (21), 103-117. Retrieved from
Exchange of points of view
Author Biography

José Hugo Goicoechea, ISP Nº 3 “Eduardo Lafferriere". UNER.

Profesor de Historia (ISP Nº 3). Master en Metodología de la Investigación Científica y Técnica (UNER).


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