Reasoned history and different temporalities. Reflections on historical knowledge

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Carlos Minetti
Emiliano Pereyra Lucchese


This article is a reflection of two middle-level history professors on the teaching of reasoned history, as Pierre Vilar argued and on the multiple temporalities that unfold in the classroom. The nature of time (s), its relationship with the durations and historical processes make this problem a fundamental issue in our time regarding the teaching of history. This paper opens more questions than certainties, will deal with the different temporalities that coexist in each one of us, as well as the specific historical time; how this concept was developed and the criticisms of the long-lasting concept of the Braudelian matrix, as well as the turn that occurred at the end of the 20th century worldwide in the field of historiography and some repercussions on the temporalities that we understand are fundamental for the Teaching history in the 21st century.


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How to Cite
Minetti, C., & Pereyra Lucchese, E. (2019). Reasoned history and different temporalities. Reflections on historical knowledge. Historia Regional, (41), 1-9. Retrieved from
Teaching materials
Author Biographies

Carlos Minetti, Universidad Nacional de Rosario

Profesor de Historia (Universidad Nacional de Rosario, UNR), Maestrando de Enseñanza de la Historia (UNR). Docente de escuelas secundarias, EEMPAS y nivel terciario públicas y privadas. Argentina.

Emiliano Pereyra Lucchese, Universidad Nacional de Rosario

Profesor de Historia (Universidad Nacional de Rosario, UNR), Maestrando de Enseñanza de la Historia (UNR). Docente en escuelas secundarias públicas y privadas de la ciudad de Rosario. Argentina.


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