History comes alive. Comics strips as a resource for the comprehensive learning of Argentinean History. (Notes on a pedagogical experience at the Teaching Training College)

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José Hugo Goicoechea


This work is a result of a theoretical analysis of pedagogical projects at the Teaching Training College and the outcome of the activities developed together with the edition of the book called “Aquí Mismo, Grageas de Historia Argentina en Historietas” (“Right here, Comics strips of Argentinean History”) in different educational environments. It takes the everyday classroom pedagogical experience as an object of constant experimentation. It is a student-teacher process of participation and construction of and about their teaching practice. And thus art being a language “of”, “for” and “to” experimentation (experimental pedagogy); a language to question and to interpret the academic language. It’s about building the practical/theoretical sense within the theory, working the present/past sense of the past, and the local/global sense of the world we live in, taking into account the sense of changing our lineal cultural matrix that prevents us from seeing the ludic sense of strategic and artistic activities; permanent creative releases within a reflexive context, which criticizes the historical investigation. It is a process of the situation “action/reflection/action” that gives ethical sense to the pedagogical procedures, the political sense to interventions and productions. Thus comics result in the language pointing to the historical investigation in schools, the accomplishing point for the epistemological self-reflection of the teacher together with the student and the rebuilding of the political identities of nations.


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How to Cite
Goicoechea, J. H. (2013). History comes alive. Comics strips as a resource for the comprehensive learning of Argentinean History. (Notes on a pedagogical experience at the Teaching Training College). Historia Regional, (31), 159-176. Retrieved from https://historiaregional.org/ojs/index.php/historiaregional/article/view/36
Teaching materials
Author Biography

José Hugo Goicoechea, Instituto Superior del Profesorado Nº 3

Profesor de Historia/ Magister en Metodología de la Investigación Científica y Técnica. Prof. de Prácticas Docentes carrera de Historia del ISP Nº3.


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