Union strategies against company policies of flexibility and adjustment. An analysis of UOM Villa Constitución in the 1991 conflict at the Acindar plant

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Agustín Ramírez


At the beginning of the 90's, different productive reconversion processes were carried out in different industrial branches. These business policies were implemented to improve the competitiveness of companies. The fundamental characteristics of these reconversions were to achieve flexible companies to respond to market changes, the reduction of the wage bill and the insertion of multi-skilled labor. In this work, we focus on the conflict that occurred in the Acindar company in the city of Villa Constitución, Santa Fe, from February to May, 1991. The focus of the investigation was the union strategies deployed during the confrontation around the application of new working methods.


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How to Cite
Ramírez, A. (2021). Union strategies against company policies of flexibility and adjustment. An analysis of UOM Villa Constitución in the 1991 conflict at the Acindar plant. Historia Regional, (44), 1-18. Retrieved from https://historiaregional.org/ojs/index.php/historiaregional/article/view/469
Learning the trade
Author Biography

Agustín Ramírez, Instituto Superior de Profesorado N°3 "Eduardo Lafferriere"

Profesor de Historia (Instituto Superior de Profesorado N° 3 “Eduardo Lafferriere”). Argentina.


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