New educational scenarios for the teaching practice of the teacher of history trainee. Museum challenges in the teaching and learning process

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Natalia Alarcón


In the last few years, the different changes that have taken place in our society have made it more complicated to analyse the factors that influence education. This implies that schools must accept their boundaries and start sharing their role in education with other social institutions.Residencia (Teaching Workshop,) which is a subject in the teacher of history traning college ‘Profesorado de Historia de la Facultad de Humanidades y Artes de la U.N.R’, tries to encourage the educational system in the recognition of differentiated areas of knowledge that should be articulated with the current school curriculum. This is done by introducing them as informal contexts which can open doors for new the teaching practices.This proposal outlines the challenges offered by the Museum in the teaching and learning process through experiences carried out in the different Museums in Rosario with students of the subject.The purpose is to reflect on and assess the possibility that this area of knowledge offers so as to ehance the understanding of history and local culture, which will support the enormous advantages that interdisciplinary and institutional collaboration (Museum – University) can offer.


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How to Cite
Alarcón, N. (2012). New educational scenarios for the teaching practice of the teacher of history trainee. Museum challenges in the teaching and learning process. Historia Regional, (30), 203-214. Retrieved from
Teaching materials
Author Biography

Natalia Alarcón, Universidad Nacional de Rosario

Profesora de Historia por la Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Conservadora de Museos (Escuela Superior de Museología, Municipalidad de Rosario). Adscripta a la cátedra Residencia del Profesorado de Historia, Departamento de Formación Docente, Facultad de Humanidades y Artes, Universidad Nacional de Rosario.


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