Neoliberalism and labor flexibility. The conflict of ’91 at the plant in Villa Constitución Acindar. Their effects on the subjectivity of the base workers

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Valeria Filippa


This paper discusses the effects of the labor dispute occurred in 1991, Acindar plant in the city of Villa Constitución, on the subjectivity of the base workers. The neoliberal art of the 90 had among its objectives destroy the remains of a worker identity, militant and solidarity, formed in the struggles of the decades of 1960-1970, and liquidate the gains that had survived the genocidal dictatorship. The management inherited of Martinez de Hoz carried out the conflict of the year 91 to instruct workers Acindar and the region. The same so shocked the whole population, and especially, union leaders and base workers, carryers more or less aware of a tradition of struggle based on the Villazos.


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How to Cite
Filippa, V. (2012). Neoliberalism and labor flexibility. The conflict of ’91 at the plant in Villa Constitución Acindar. Their effects on the subjectivity of the base workers. Historia Regional, (30), 217-236. Retrieved from
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Author Biography

Valeria Filippa, Instituto Superior de Profesorado N°3

Profesora de Historia, egresada en 2011 del Instituto Superior de Profesorado Nº 3


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