And there are three

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Juan González
Ernesto Rodríguez


San Nicolás de los Arroyos is one of the many cities in Argentina affected by the restructuring of the State. Since 1991, the national government applied the recipes of the International Monetary Fund, a process of privatization, industrial reconversion and labor flexibility took place that generated a wave of “voluntary” retirements that raised unemployment and underemployment to rates unsuspected in previous decades when this city it was "the city of steel."Thousands of structurally unemployed people are aware that their chances of getting a job are slim. Survival strategies were modified. That is why it is not by chance that that city of steel today has become the city of Mary: only a miracle, faith in God and the gift of demagogic and populist governments are those that can allow the material reproduction of the existence of thousands of excluded people who They still did not need roadblocks or stokers for their demands for fair work to be heeded.


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How to Cite
González, J., & Rodríguez, E. (1998). And there are three. Historia Regional, (16), 83-87. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Ernesto Rodríguez, Sección Historia. Instituto Superior del Profesorado Nº 3

Profesor del ISP Nº 3 “Eduardo Lafferriere” de Villa Constitución. Alumno de la Licenciatura de Historia, UNLu.


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