The asylum of José Tadeo Monagas in the French Legation in Caracas, 1858

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Yepsaly Hernández Núñez


This article identifies the particularities of the diplomatic asylum granted to ex-president José Tadeo Monagas at the headquarters of the French legation in Caracas (1858) in order to show two problems associated with the codification of asylum in international law in the middle of the century XIX. In the first place, the fine line that separated the right of the applicant and the right of the sovereign State to admit or not, the entry of the foreigner. And secondly, the inevitable deterioration of diplomatic relations -which had developed within the framework of a particular tension between a power that was trying to gain geopolitical and economic space against its rivals and a peripheral nation that was trying to open space on the international stage shortly after obtaining its recognition- among the states linked to the expulsion and reception of the asylee.


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How to Cite
Hernández Núñez, Y. (2021). The asylum of José Tadeo Monagas in the French Legation in Caracas, 1858. Historia Regional, (45), 1-11. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Yepsaly Hernández Núñez, Universidad Central de Venezuela / Universidad San Andrés

Graduated in History, Magister in Philosophy and Human Sciences and Doctor in History (Central University of Venezuela), Venezuela. Postgraduate student (Universidad San Andrés), Argentina.


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