Forms of work and production from the privatization of Somisa from the perspective of the resulting labor collective

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Nicolás Cipriani


In recent years, there have been frequent investigations about the underlying principles in the historiographic constructions resulting from the social impact of the privatization context in Argentina from the 90's. This work also tries to bring us closer to another point of analysis convergent to this context. We are faced with the need to answer some questions that emerge within Ternium (Ex-Somisa) steel’s factory, almost thirty years after the privatization program of the 90s. With the establishment of neoliberal policies, important changes have occurred in the structure and organization of the productive schemes of the plant, which have a direct impact on the relations and practices of meanings of the working group. Here we have sought to approach the problem by focusing attention on the manufacturing experiences of a group belonging to the context prior to the privatization of the company, which after continued in the irruption of neoliberalism at the national political scene.


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How to Cite
Cipriani, N. (2021). Forms of work and production from the privatization of Somisa from the perspective of the resulting labor collective. Historia Regional, (46), 1-22. Retrieved from
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Author Biography

Nicolás Cipriani, Instituto Superior del Profesorado Nº 3

Profesor de Educación Secundaria en Historia (Instituto Superior de Profesorado Nº 3 Eduardo Laferriere. Villa Constitución).


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