Autonomy and nationalization. Fractures in Tucuman’s trade unionism address the Peronist phenomenon

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Esteban Piliponsky


The purpose of this article is to contribute to the history of the labor movement inTucumán, whose field is still unexplored, and also to the debates on the origins of the Peronism in Argentina. The analyses of one specific regional space allow to increas and refin our knowledge on this period, which, until now, have an excessive focus on the metropolitan zone. This article considers to make a comparison between the experiences of trade unionism in the province in the previous years to the coup d’état of June of 1943, and their subsequent transformations. The hypothesis to be demonstrated is that the workers unions underwent internal transformations, and the changes produced from the State were not the unique rupture within the world of the labor movement.


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How to Cite
Piliponsky, E. (2011). Autonomy and nationalization. Fractures in Tucuman’s trade unionism address the Peronist phenomenon. Historia Regional, (29), 97-122. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Esteban Piliponsky, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán / Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas

Licenciado en Historia por la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Becario CONICET. Investigador del Instituto de Historia Ramón Leoni Pinto de la UNT.


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