Institutional absences and avoidable femicides, the case of Villa Constitución, 2009-2015

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Eliana Fabiani


The present investigation intends to analyze, demonstrate and make visible how the law Ley de Protección Integral Nº 26485 para Prevenir, Sancionar y Erradicar la Violencia Contra las Mujeres impacts in the institutions of Villa Constitución. Particularly, we are interested in how it is territorialized and how it is reflected in the actions of the Concejo Municipal, the Concejo de la Mujer and the Municipio. However, during the development of our work, there may also appear actors from different contexts which will allow us to expand our vision of the issue. The time frame involved starts with the promulgation of the Law in 2009 and ends in 2015, year in which many women participated in a demonstration under the slogan Ni Una Menos, because, even though the Law existed, femicide rates were still frequent and increasing in number.


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How to Cite
Fabiani, E. (2022). Institutional absences and avoidable femicides, the case of Villa Constitución, 2009-2015. Historia Regional, (48), 1-15. Retrieved from
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Author Biography

Eliana Fabiani, Instituto Superior del Profesorado Nº 3

Profesora de Educación Secundaria en Historia (Instituto Superior del Profesorado Nº 3). Adscripta de la cátedra Historia Americana III (Carrera de Historia. Instituto de Profesorado Nº 3). Argentina.


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