Proposal for Historical Argumentation and its construction in discursive interactions in a group of Chilean students about the position of the youth of the 80s toward the dictatorship

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Pablo César Ojeda Lopeda


This paper proposes to integrate the skills of Historical Argumentation and exemplifies how they are constructed in classroom discursive interactions. The sample was made up of 33 students and their teacher from a third-year course of middle school at a subsidized school in Santiago, Chile. All the classes of the unit “the breakdown of Democracy” were filmed; For the analysis, the interactions of two classes about how to interpret the position of the Chilean youth of the 80s towards the Dictatorship were chosen. The categories of Dialogical Discourse Analysis were used to identify the discursive traces each skill was constructed with. The results show the relevance of the proposal to analyze the development of historical argumentative skills in contexts of classroom discursive interactions, a contribution that can be considered by teachers to promote this type of complex skills during the development of teaching the historical discipline.


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Ojeda Lopeda, P. C. (2023). Proposal for Historical Argumentation and its construction in discursive interactions in a group of Chilean students about the position of the youth of the 80s toward the dictatorship. Historia Regional, (51), 1-18. Retrieved from
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Author Biography

Pablo César Ojeda Lopeda, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia. Sede Cali), Colombia

Licenciado en Ciencias Sociales (Universidad Santiago de Cali); Psicólogo (Universidad del Valle); Magíster en Psicología (Universidad del Valle), Colombia; Magíster en Ciencias de la Educación (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile); Doctor en Ciencias de la Educación (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), Chile. Profesor investigador (Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia. Sede Cali), Colombia.


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