An age of important changes. The radical feminism of the 70’ and the woman liberation movement

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Nadia Freytes


The feminist movement as all the social movement, is an historical one, in that way it is transforming as the result of the social changes. Along of this report we will try to delimit some analysis lines that let us get closer to the development of the second wave of the feminist movement, we refer to the radical feminist. We will focus our attention in the specific case of the woman liberation movement, the most important feminist politic accion of that period.


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How to Cite
Freytes, N. (2009). An age of important changes. The radical feminism of the 70’ and the woman liberation movement. Historia Regional, (27), 55-74. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Nadia Freytes, Instituto Superior de Profesorado N° 3

Profesora de Historia, egresada del ISP N° 3. Investigadora del proyecto «El contenido de los conflictos. Algunas formas de la lucha sociopolítica en la historia argentina reciente», Secretaría de Ciencia y Técnica, Universidad Nacional de Rosario


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