Dynamics of development of Kazakhstan historical science during the years of independence (1991-2020): Scientific analysis, historical value and significance

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Yerkin A. Abil
Ganiy M. Karassayev
Altyn S. Ualtayeva
Maral Sh. Kaliyeva
Kanat А. Yensenov


This article discusses the positive changes that have occurred since Kazakhstan's independence to fill in the gaps, such as the protection of fundamental research in Kazakhstan's history to eliminate “gaps” and the results of PhD and doctoral dissertations on important topics, as well as state-funded research projects on important topics. In historical research, an attempt has been made to conduct a comprehensive analysis of certain topics highlighting various stages and directions of the historical path of development of modern Kazakhstan. They became the basis for an in-depth and objective study of historical phenomena, made their own contribution to the development of modern historical science. Integration of Russian historians into the international scientific community is of great importance. They contribute to the development of new conceptual and methodological approaches, expanding access to unique archival sources and obtaining new knowledge on the history of Kazakhstan.


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How to Cite
Abil, Y. A., Karassayev, G. M., Ualtayeva, A. S., Kaliyeva, M. S., & YensenovK. А. (2024). Dynamics of development of Kazakhstan historical science during the years of independence (1991-2020): Scientific analysis, historical value and significance. Historia Regional, (53), 1-14. Retrieved from https://historiaregional.org/ojs/index.php/historiaregional/article/view/973
Author Biographies

Yerkin A. Abil, Institute of History of the State, Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Kazakhstan

Doctor in History. Professor (Institute of History of the State, Ministry of Science and Higher Education). Kazakhstan

Ganiy M. Karassayev, Institute of History of the State, Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Kazakhstan

Doctor in History, Professor (Department of Source Studies, Historiography and History of Kazakhstan, Institute of History of the State, Ministry of Science and Higher Education). Kazakhstan.

Altyn S. Ualtayeva, Department of History of Kazakhstan, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

PhD, Associate Professor (Department of History of Kazakhstan, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University; Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology, Science Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education). Kazakhstan.

Maral Sh. Kaliyeva, Institute of History of the State, Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Kazakhstan

Doctor in Political Sciences, Associate Professor (Department of Source Studies, Historiography and History of Kazakhstan, Institute of History of the State, Ministry of Science and Higher Education). Kazakhstan.

Kanat А. Yensenov, Institute of History of the State, Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Kazakhstan

PhD, Associate Professor (Department of Source Studies, Historiography and History of Kazakhstan, Institute of History of the State, Ministry of Science and Higher Education). Kazakhstan.


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