The institutional mechanism for the resolution of social problems during the government of Carlos Raúl Contín (1963-1966)

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César Oscar Rosa


This article investigates the social intervention of the Entre Ríos state during the government of the people’s radical Carlos R. Contín through a primary state agency in its gevernment management, the Ministry of Social Action. For the government team, the provincial State should prioritize social intervention in Entre Ríos society to improve social and assistance service so that a greater proportion of the population would be better protected from the evils of inequality. In short, the governor claimed to pursue the equalization of social, economic and political opportunities as the goa lof this government policy, which is why there was a reorganization of the ministerial scheme and an adjustment in the administrative organization base don a new intervention strategy state in public affairs considered transcendent and priority. Without a doubt, the Ministry of Social Action was the privileged institutional mechanism for this purpose.


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How to Cite
Rosa, C. O. (2024). The institutional mechanism for the resolution of social problems during the government of Carlos Raúl Contín (1963-1966). Historia Regional, (53), 1-15. Retrieved from
Author Biography

César Oscar Rosa, Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos

Profesor de Enseñanza Media y Superior en Historia (Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos). Doctorando en Ciencias Sociales (Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos). Argentina.


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