Social imaginary and ways of doing politics in the Buenos Aires inside. A socialist newspaper illuminating the political night of Benito Juárez

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Silvana Gómez


In this paper, we will try to account for the political world of Benito Juárez, within the province of Buenos Aires, during the 20s of the last century through the study of “Claridad” newspaper, the official organ of the Socialist Center of the town.In the first third of the twentieth century, the political life of this party southeast of Buenos Aires, had as main figure Pumara Pedro Diaz. His leadership was maintained thanks to a wide network of clients that included people from various social sectors. In the period analyzed here, the preeminence of this leader seemed to find limits. “Claridad”, founded in 1923, was to repudiate the arbitrary, as socialists, were part of the political savoir faire in this microcosm.


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Gómez, S. (2014). Social imaginary and ways of doing politics in the Buenos Aires inside. A socialist newspaper illuminating the political night of Benito Juárez. Historia Regional, (32), 9-23. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Silvana Gómez, Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires / Universidad Nacional de La Plata / Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas

Profesora y Licenciada en Historia (UNCPBA). Miembro del Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios Políticos, Sociales y Jurídicos (CIEP-UNCPBA). Becaria CONICET. Docente en nivel superior. Actualmente realiza el Doctorado en Historia (UNLP).


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