Discourses around the "countryman" and the production of a class culture in South Entre Ríos radical press. Gualeguay at the juncture of 1943

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Martín Mûller


In Argentina, outside major metropolitan areas most of the population in the early 1940 decade inhabited at the rural environment. This article seeks to review in the contemporary Gualeguay city newspapers, town located in the south of the province of Entre Rios, the discursive constructions around the figure of rural workers, making visible the reproduction of a class culture that distinguishes and highlights the victims of a social and economic model in transition while condemning the figures identified with an elite loaded with negative values. It aims to be a contribution to the knowledge of regional spaces which were outside the industrialization process, viewed as liabilities to the transformations of exogenous origin.


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How to Cite
Mûller, M. (2014). Discourses around the "countryman" and the production of a class culture in South Entre Ríos radical press. Gualeguay at the juncture of 1943. Historia Regional, (32), 49-65. Retrieved from https://historiaregional.org/ojs/index.php/historiaregional/article/view/4
Author Biography

Martín Mûller, Universidad Nacional de Rosario / Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos / Instituto de Educación Superior “Luis F. Leloir”

Profesor y Licenciado en Historia (UNR). Doctorando en Ciencias Sociales (UNER). Docente en el Instituto de Educación Superior “Luis F. Leloir” (Gualeguay, Entre Ríos).


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