First peronism in Córdoba: political effects and subjective constitution

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Juan Manuel Reynares


This paper analyses the political identity of peronism in Córdoba, during the first period of Peron’s government, through a corpus made of requests sent to the provincial and national state from various points of the province by individuals or associations without a prevailing political participation. The specialized bibliography on peronism from Córdoba, focused on its party dynamics, holds that the geographic and functional concentration of the authority on Perón, implied the reduction of the institutional debate and introduced difficulties in the internal elections, which motivated a de-politicization of the debate in the local space. We intend to take part in this discussion, delving in the identity dynamics that we can locate in the expressions of those actors that introduced themselves as mere citizens or residents. We will maintain that the emergence of the peronist discourse in the local public space implied the re-significance of political practices and the possibility to include new demands, beyond parties and the state legislative body. This allows us to point out that the appearance of peronism in Córdoba motivated a broad local politicization.


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How to Cite
Reynares, J. M. (2014). First peronism in Córdoba: political effects and subjective constitution. Historia Regional, (32), 67-86. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Juan Manuel Reynares, Centro de Estudios Avanzados. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba / Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas

Becario de posgrado tipo II, CONICET - Centro de Estudios Avanzados, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Este trabajo muestra parte de los resultados de mi participación en el Proyecto de Investigación PICT (Nº 1988-2008) titulado “La constitución de identidad peronista en el primer peronismo. Una mirada ‘desde abajo’ a través de archivos y documentos no tradicionales”, dirigido por la Dra. Mercedes Barros.


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