The union tours as tool building the labor movement. The FORA in Entre Rios (1918-1921)

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Hernán Díaz


The paper seeks to assess the so called "propaganda tours" made by FORA leaders to Argentine provinces during the 1920s. It focuses on the tour made by Ramón Suárez, a member of the Maritime Labor Federation directive board, to the province of Entre Ríos. The goal of this paper is to analyze how the tour became a cultural phenomenon that linked the national center and a more or less disorganized periphery, and helped to connect, in subjective and cultural terms, dispersed workers in different provinces. To do so, it neglects the chronological or even political analyses of the tours and focuses on the privileged the forms of engagement and connection between leaders and people.


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How to Cite
Díaz, H. (2014). The union tours as tool building the labor movement. The FORA in Entre Rios (1918-1921). Historia Regional, (32), 89-107. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Hernán Díaz, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Licenciado en Letras (Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Universidad de Buenos Aires), cursa el Doctorado de Historia en la misma facultad. Docente de Semiología en el Ciclo Básico Común de la UBA.


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