Voices and gestures becoming extinct: the audiovisual archive as a safeguard of bodily subjectivity of captives from the Magdalenes

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Paula Brain


The discovery in Ireland of a mass grave on the land of a convent of the Magdalenes in 1993, depositary of remains of one hundred and fifty-five women and girls, eroded the hegemony held on the island by the State-Church duo since proclamation of the independence. Historians, sociologists and filmmakers embarked on independent investigations from government and academic officialdom, with documentary film being the first tool for disseminating the revelations provided by asylum survivors. We propose to analyze the testimonial film Convents of shame and transcripts from testimonies kept in the Magdalene Oral History Project archive. We will try, by establishing a dialogue between sources, to demonstrate the importance of audiovisual archives for the recording and conservation of transformative performances and body subjectivities, as well as for the performance of secondary analyzes of oral history interviews that deepen our understanding of the concept of social death.


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How to Cite
Brain, P. (2022). Voices and gestures becoming extinct: the audiovisual archive as a safeguard of bodily subjectivity of captives from the Magdalenes. Historia Regional, (48), 1-15. Retrieved from https://historiaregional.org/ojs/index.php/historiaregional/article/view/716
Author Biography

Paula Brain, Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia/ Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Licenciada en Historia (Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia “San Juan Bosco”, UNPSJB). Maestranda en Maestría en Historia y Memoria (Universidad Nacional de La Plata). Docente (UNPSJB). Argentina.


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